Movie Clip Monday: Mother's Day Unit

Sunday, April 26, 2015
Well, this Movie Clip Monday sponsored this so that what we share would be perfect for special events coming up soon. Thanks to Cheryl from Techie Turtle Teacher for hosting this.
Well, we all know what is happening soon and that is Mother's Day. Here is a video that I found for this special occasion.

Have a great week and a great day!!

Sunday Scoop 4-26-15

Well, this is the last Sunday Scoop for the month of April. I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop.

Have to do:
~Lots of blogging
~It is finally a relaxing day and my homework is done so I am going to take a rest underneath the sun. 
~I need to start packing boxes to move to a new home this week.

Hope to do:
~Finally a time to do exercise outside in the sun.
~Work on a new blog design for blogs.

Happy to announce:
Well, I am excited to start a new life with a new home.

Have a fun Sunday and link up with them!!

Wordless Wednesday: Caterpillars

Wednesday, April 22, 2015
It has been a time since I linked up with Christina from Miss Decarbo for her Wordless Wednesday.

We did a great time reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar and it was a day full of caterpillars.
Question: How do you incorporate caterpillar units in the classroom?

Have a great Wordless Wednesday!!!

Movie Clip Monday: Recycling

Sunday, April 19, 2015
Well, I am linking up with Cheryl from Techie Turtle Teacher for her Movie Clip Monday.

This is a great time since I shared about Earth Day, now I wanted to talk about recycling that is perfect for the children to learn more on what they can do to save the earth.

These are perfect for the kids to learn more about how to recycle and also they can take that knowledge of this and incorporate that at home.

Have a great day and link up below.

Sunday Scoop 4-19-15

Hello, it is time to link up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop...
Three Things I have to do...
~Well, the wedding is far away in a couple of year, but I need to get a head start on planning so I would not be able to procrastinate on it. I am excited to be on a budget for once.
~We got the details of the Peru Trip last Wednesday and we are leaving and be gone from July 24th-August 1. That meant that I need to start planning blog posts and also get a head start on link-ups as well.
~ Because of that detail, I need to start planning blog posts and schedule them on the days that I would not be there. I will post everyone on the details.
Two Things I hope to do...
~Exercise is a great way for me to unwind and also for me to have a better body and a better health.
~We are moving at the end of the month and we need to get cracking quickly. That would mean one good thing, most of my room is boxed up and I am almost ready to move. Better than last time when I left a lot of stuff behind.
One Thing I'm happy to do...
Well, Earth Day is this week and I am in need of activities that I want to do for the little ones. I already am looking at books,
Question: What activities did you guys do for earth day?

Have fun and link up with them!!!

Movie Clip Monday: Earth Day

Sunday, April 12, 2015
Today is Movie Clip Monday hosted by Cheryl of Techie Turtle Teacher.

Earth Day is around the corner and I made a playlist that is perfect for that time. This is perfect to use when you are teaching the kids what is going on during this day. I love this day because you get to protect the Earth and keep it clean.

Also, you can do a few activities with the kids when the day is here such as planting and also recycling.

Remember to link up with her and have a great day!!

Sunday Scoop 4-12-15

I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop which would be fun.
3 Things I have to do...
~I am in need to blog and schedule posts that would be made for the entire week. I did it somehow throughout the week and that would mean I am able to schedule to figure out what posts to write each way. Plus, I am working on a grade blog link up for each grade. Coming Soon.
~I am in need of figuring out wedding details that would be created from what I need to experienced.
~I love Sundays because it is a sense to read the Bible and focusing on what has happened. Plus, I love reading the Word of God.

2 Things I hope to do...
~With all the rainy weather in Alabama, I need to exercise and figure out when inside.
~DIY projects that i need to do inside while it is raining. I am game  forthat. I hate rainy weather, but love indoor projects.

1 Thing I'm Happy To Announce:
I am moving again. I am moving to a better apartment before the first of May and I need to start packing boxes adn getting everything ready and set to move in.

Have a great day and see other Sunday Scoops
Have a great Sunday!!!

Movie Clip Monday: Plant Unit

Sunday, April 5, 2015
Today, I am linking up with Cheryl of Techie Turtle Teacher for this linky.

I love seed week and what we learn about plants.

This is from The Laurie Berkner Band about seeds

I also love these songs about plants and seeds.

Remember to link up with her and have a great day!!!

Sunday Scoop 4-5-15

Happy Easter Day Everyone!!! I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop and it is a glorious day.

3 Thnigs I have to Do!!!
~I am celebrating Easter today with my church family. I am singing today and goodness gracious, I am nervous. 
~After that, I am blogging and designing my blogs to update it on the focus more often. I am very creative with what is going on. 
~I need to exercise and recently, I have been walking so many times and eat a salad and that would be very healthy for me. 

2 Things I hope to do...
~I am busy planning a wedding and is more focused on making it a DIY moment. I am even designing my own wedding invitations and themes.
~I would love to do this and that would be to focus on the online bible studies. It is now a part of my priority and that is focusing on what is going on. 

1 Thing I'm Happy To Do!!!
I am feeling springy which means that I am feeling wedding fever coming to me. I am excited to see what this season can bring. 

Remember to link up with them and see what others are doing today and this week. 

Have a great Easter!!!

April Pick 3 Pinterest Linky

Friday, April 3, 2015
I am going to admit that I am a Pinterest addict. My wedding would be based off of Pinterest alone. Now, I am linking up with Lisa from PAWsitively Learning   and Marissa from The Inspired Owl's Corner for her Pick 3 Pinterest Linky.

Click Here for Original Pinterest Link
Plant unit is coming up and this would be cute for them to diagram and see where each part of the plant goes and is at. I love plant units and that is a great one for them to do to figure out about the parts of the plant and see what they do.

Click Here for Original Pinterest Link
For the insect unit, have butterflies be grown in your own classroom. I remember this when I was a little girl because we did that, even though I have a true fear of bugs and caterpillars, I would always adore seeing butterflies grow...from a distance. But, this can be used as preparation for the unit that would happen.
Click Here For Original Pinterest Link
Decorations for the doors are always nice such as this catchy quote to get us fully prepped for Spring and also for them to see what April can be good. This can be also be used in bulletin boards that would attract more people and students to see what you guys are learning about.

Have a great day and happy Pinteresting!!!

April Currently

Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Happy April Fool's Day!!! Time to link up with Farley of Oh Boy 4th Grade for her Currently!!
Listening: I love watching the TV show Biography on the Dailymotion App and it is great to see some fascinating episodes.

Loving: I can finally get some shut eyes during the storms because it is more soothing for me to visualize what is going on.

Thinking: I am going to have a DIY wedding and that would mean that I need to plan every detail that would coincide with a theme that I wanted so bad. I am on a wedding planning spree right now.

Wanting: I am sick with a virus and that stinks. I went to storytime and I felt something that made me feel yucky. Right now, I got food, liquids, and of course being in bed to rest up and put this mean ole virus to bed.

Needing:  I am wanting a normal beautiful day in Easter and rejoice in God's beauty.

EGGS-plain Your Name:  I chose the name The Dots of Teaching because it gives me a sense of that I love polka dots and also that I have a passion of teaching.

Remember to link up with her and see other Currentlys.

Favorite Things 4-1-15

Well, it is April's Fools Day and I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their linky.

Well, I am taking a little break from talking about favorite education stuff again and tell you what is driving me to have motivation to finish with a little chaotic twist.

Well, if anyone wanted to know why I have a wedding theme, it is because I am planning a wedding right now. So, I am trying to keep calm with all the wedding fever that I have right now.

Exercising is a great way for me to be fit now that it is warmer than a few months ago. I am so ready to do yoga and even walk/run across the room. I wanted to make sure that I am reaching my goal of 135 pounds by the end of the year.

Well, I am going to school to become a teacher and I have to do homework. The biggest downside to becoming a teacher and having online classes is no spring break, but I can live without Spring Break. (Did I just say that?). However, I love having my pencils reorganized!!!

Remember to link up with them and have a great day!!!

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