Sunday Scoop 5-31-15

Sunday, May 31, 2015
It is the last day of May and that means a wonderful time to link up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop.

3 Things I have to do...
~blogging: I have to blog and of course with this being the first full week for blogging posts and that meant, blogging time.
~Summer XP Camp: I am volunteering at my church for this event and it is 6-9 pm. Also, this is not VBS so I am getting used to it.
~I am facilitating a Love God Greatly Bible Study Group and I am ready to be prepared for this. I am ready to reach a wonderful group of ladies who walks in faith.

2 Things I ope to do...
~Still doing the challenge and well, I am now watching what I eat. But, I am determined to be healthy.
~Wedding Prep still is happening. I am blessed that I will definitely have a chance to not be a bridezilla. I will go with the flow when something changed.

1 Thing I'm happy to do.,,
Summer vacation is here which means summer reading program!!! We are doing superheroes and it will be fun to do.

Link up with them and have a great day!!!

My Summer Goals Weekly Link-Up

Tuesday, May 26, 2015
I am so excited for the summer. I have some goals that are great for the summer. I am linking up with I Heart Grade 3 for her link up.
The first goal is that I would be fit healthy and fit spiritually. I am doing a healthy living challenge that would not only push me to the limit, but it would also bring me towards a goal. I got a Fitbit app and a Pandora station to prepare me to work hard...if I don't cave in singing that song.

I got me some free time to plan a wedding through my own time. No wedding planner, no bridezilla, just me planning it.

 I got some reading materials that was planned. I love professional development that would taught me to get ready. I am also planning link-ups and instalinkies for them to be more focused at that point. I am on a planning and reading binge.

I am wanting to spend time with my man. He is a great guy and focused more on what I felt about him and cannot wait to marry him.

Remember to link up and spread the blog love!!

Sunday Scoop 5-24-15

Sunday, May 24, 2015
Well, time for another Sunday Scoop hosted by my awesome friends of Teaching Trio...

3 Things I have to do...
~I have to do blogging of course due to I missed a lot.
~I am going to become a new leader in an online bible study. Fyi, pray that I will have new members.
~I got to do homework and focus on getting it done soon.

2 Things I hope to do...
~I am going to do a #healthyliving2015 challenge and allow myself to live healthy and also focusing on being fit.
~Wedding fever is enough to focus more on wedding planning.

1 Thing I'm happy to announce...
I am going to create a ton of linkies for the summer for some fun.

Have a great and happy day!!!

Sunday Scoop: 5-17-15

Sunday, May 17, 2015
Well, time for another Sunday Scoop with Teaching Trio.
3 Things I have to do...
~ Well, blogging is a first must because I have been preparing blog posts for the upcoming summer. Also, link-ups are a must for the summer with four blogs to look after.
~I have got to catch up on my devotional reading. It has been awhile for me.
~Well, homework is also a must to prepare ahead.

2 Things I hope to do...
~ I need to prepare stuff for the bridal party to do like a list to have for their roles in my wedding. I do not have any sisters, so friends and cousins will have to do.
~Summer reading is a must for me. I got books from professional development reading.

1 Thing I'm happy to do...
I did a link up for bloggers to link up based on grades. I would love for you guys to link- up.
Have a great Sunday and a great week!!!

Movie Clip Monday: Over In The Meadow

Sunday, May 10, 2015
Hey guys, it is time to link up with Cheryl of Techie Turtle Teacher for her Movie Clip Monday.

I loved Barney when I was a little girl and one of the songs that I love is Over In The Meadow. This is great for a wildlife or ecology unit.

Thanks and link up below:

Sunday Scoop 5-10-15

Hey guys, I have a surprise for you, but first, I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop.
Well, some of it is self-explaantory, except the last one. So here it is...
Well, The product-making is for my TPT store that I neglected. But, I am changing the blog name and it will be a huge reflection on how much I wanted my classroom to be technology-wise.

So, here it is. Have a great Sunday and a great Mother's Day!!!

Favorite Things 5-6-15

Wednesday, May 6, 2015
I love the first Wednesdays of each month because it is of course Favorite Things Linky by Teaching Trio (awesome group of ladies).

With all the end of the year activities coming up soon, I figured it is time to let everyone in on the plan for the month of May.

1. Mother's Day: I am so excited for this day, even though I am not a mother yet. But, I love it when children would see what is going on with what ideas are going on.

2. Teacher Appreciation: Well, this week is Teacher Appreciation Week and I am studying to become a teacher. I want the kids to appreciate their own teachers.

3. Summer Vacation: Well, it is getting to that time when the kids are so excited over summer vacation/break. I am also excited to come up with new ideas for the summer and upcoming school year.

Link up with them and see other teachers' favorite things.

Tech Tip Tuesday: Tumblebooks in Classroom

Tuesday, May 5, 2015
It has been awhile since I linked up with Cheryl from Techie Turtle Teacher for her Tech Tip Tuesday.

Have any teacher thought what they were going to do if it is too rainy to go outside or need to take a brain break.  Well, tere is oe wa for te cildre to eo teselves wile takig a break ad tat is Tblebooks.

It is a fun way for children to capture what is going on with the activity while being inside on a dreary day.

What is Tumblebooks?
Tumblebooks is a fun website full of ebooks for children to listen to and see the pictures. They can even say the best lines along with the person.

1. Look up the website ad click on the link.

2. Then, when you are there, click on the Tumblebooks link.

3. Register and sign up and enjoy it.

4. However, another way is to find a public library and see if they have a tumblebooks
Here is a perfect example:
I am exciting to share this tip with you guys and hope that everything can happen. Have a great day and hope to write to you guys soon.

Movie Clip Monday: Teacher Appreciation

Sunday, May 3, 2015
Well, this Movie Clip Monday hosted by Cheryl of Techie Turtle Teacher is very special this week because it is Teacher Appreciation Week and I made a playlist of videos for us teachers.

Happy Teacher's Appreciation Week Guys!!

Sunday Scoop 5-3-15

Well, it is time to link up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop.
3 Things I have to do...
~I really need to get a hand on blogging. Scheduling posts and figuring out blogging tips is a hard task.
~I am all moved in and now, I need to unpack all the boxes.
~I got the bridal party narrowed and now I need to ask them. Wish me luck!!

2 Things I Hope to Do...
~Exercising and especially since it seems to be sunny the entire week, then it could happen.
~I am doing storytime and I need to check Pinterest and see what is going on.

1 Thing I'm Happy to Announce...
The start of Summer Break is coming soon!!!!

Have a great day and I will see you soon!!

May Pinterest Pick 3 Linky Party

Well, it is time for the Pinterest Linky Party with Inspired Owl's Corner and PAWS-itvely Learning for their linky fun.

This is a fun activity for the children to do. With Summer vacation coming up soon, the children would also want to share what they are going to be doing for their summer. Take a photo of them and then put it with a mask and a snorkel and have them write something that they want it to be about from "Diving Into Summer" to "Diving Into First"
See Original Pin Here

 This would be a fun activity for the kids to be able to reflect back on the past school year and see what they are able to learn from the whole thing. Plus, the kids would learn what it is like to be able to reflect and see that to help them when they would get to the next grade level. Fyi, you could even use a hashtag for the bulletin board.
See Original Pin Here

This would be a fun activity for the last day of school by having an awards show for our classroom or your grade. The awards show would also take place before everyone disperse for the summer break. The teacher can make the awards and give them out to the students. Also, you could make it a party for the parents to attend and see the award show.
See Original Pin Here

If you want an inspiration, then join in on the fun and spread the ideas with others.
Have a great day and link up!!!

May Currently

Saturday, May 2, 2015
Well, I am all moved in to my new home and now it is time for another Currently by Farley of Oh Boy 4th Grade.
Listening: I do not have any TV right now and I am focused on getting everything done so I am enjoying my iPod library.

Loving: Did I mention that I love my new apartment and is great to have a great sleep in.

Thinking: Well, now I get to focus on planning my dream wedding and also working on some proejcts.

Wanting and Needing: I really need me a vacation time. I am so ready for one. Plus, they are the same.

Summer Dream: This is what I am doing so I am planning a wedding and exercising to stay in shape. Finally, I am doing some professional development.

Have a nice day!!!

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