Decisions, Decisions~!!~~!!

Friday, September 27, 2013
Well, lately I stink at writing blog posts because I will be focused on other tasks that blogging is put to the wayside. But, now I am back and better and focused on the journey ahead. My heart is focused on becoming an elementary school teacher and also hopefully getting my own classroom one day.The joys of having an associate degree is the fact that I don't have to take that many classes unless they don't transfer. The catch is that now I am figuring out as I am working towards it is that sometimes a job opportunity can be outside the state that you were born in. Right now, I am preparing resumes and even looking at other states websites to see what they required to get a teacher's certificate. Now, it is time for me to focused on becoming a teacher.

Finally, I am about to come on to the anniversary that I started to write this blog which was in November of 2012. I remember wanting to let others into my world and now I am ready to trust others and hope to blog for many more years to come.

Peace and Love

New Family Tradition and a Tip~!!~!!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013
I have started a family tradition that will be deeply regretted. I have Diamond Dash and various logo games on my iPad. During the Fourth of July event at my aunt's house, my family noticed that I was playing logo games after we ate barbecue and they are helping me with the game. My aunt even asked me how can she found the logo games on her tablet. My mother now has a tablet and has games on there. That is part of the day in my family. We play together and we laugh together.

Speaking of games, I have witnessed various teachers using games during their stations that the kids would seem to enjoy. They would incorporate their games and their lesson plans together. The whole point of the stations and the games is for the children to have a hands on experience.

By the way, I was a wreck this weekend watching the Alabama game. I am finally back to normal and I am happy of the boys through thick and thin.                                                                                                                                                                                   

It's Been A Long Time...

Tuesday, September 10, 2013
It has been a long time since I blogged. Well, first off college football started and had a brilliant time watching Alabama beat Virginia Tech. Then, I have to help out around the house with my grandma. I have been thinking of what to blogged about. Then, I realized myself of one of my past field experiences where the kids made a bag with their hand prints. The best thing to work in your classroom is pretty much advice from teachers who you observed during the time in school. Also, remember the kids that were there in each classroom. One of the field experiences, I ended up volunteering there for almost two years and another group of kids I remember their faces and also have pictures that would be reminded of my visit there for ten days. Field experiences is helping me remember what to do in the classroom.

On some lighter note, mourning for my cat is still continuing on but I have two smiling dogs looking at me. When I was a little girl, I hated dogs and was scared of them. When my dog Roxie came, I at first was scared of her. Now, I am smiling every time I see her panting and smiling.

Observations, Lesson Plans, and Children~Oh My!!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013
One of the things that I have done during my classes was observation. To me, observation is our best friend. You get to see what is going on in the classroom and what they could accomplish. I also had a chance to create bunches of lesson plans to try out to the children and one of the teachers would give me feedback that I thought would be helpful. She put the strengths of my lessons and also the weaknesses that I need to work on. Remember that observations could help out with the impact of what your future classrooms could be one day.
Monday, September 2, 2013
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