November Currently-It Has Been A Year

Saturday, November 1, 2014
I did not know that I made a milestone while I was blogging... Speaking of that milestone, time for a Currently by the lovely Farley!!! This would be a year that I linked up with her linky party so here it is.

Listening: I WAS listening to the Auburn vs. Ole Miss game. Yes, I am an Alabama fan, but you want to root for a team in the same state until they play you.

Loving: I love the fall weather. It was a great way for trick or treating yesterday in a way. We will get to that later.

Thinking: My blogiversary is coming up soon...
I am thinking of surprises that will make this blogiversary month special. I love entertaining readers like you guys. Time for this shy girl to start linking up with new linky parties!

Wanting: As much as I love the fall weather, I want the cold weather to STOP!!! Yesterday and today, I was shivering like crazy and I still cannot stop. Oh, and to make this better for everyone...

Needing: I am thinking of decorating my room at home and I need to know what can I do to make it from blah to wow.

Reading: I am reading Captivating by Stasi Eldridge that is motivating me to become the woman that I am. I recently read So Long, Insecurity by Beth Moore. It is helping me with facing my fears and getting me out of the shyness.

Don't remember to link up with her and check out her blog...

Remember to set your clocks back. ONE EXTRA HOUR OF SLEEP TONIGHT!!! WOOHOO!!! I will post to you tomorrow.


  1. I am right there with you on wanting this cold weather to stop! I live in Tennessee - it was 80 degrees last week...this week? 40 degrees! Ridiculous if you ask me (: And it sounds like you are really making a push to get out there and over your shyness - good for you and I wish you the best of luck!!!

    Living the First Grade Dream

    1. Thanks and also thank you again for the nomination. That is driving me to get more followers and also be more inspirational.
      Jasmine H.
      The Dots of Teaching

  2. Yikes, below 20 is COLD! I am loving the "colder" weather here... 68!
    Congrats to you and your blog on your blogiversary month
    Fabulous 4th Grade Froggies 
    Visit my Facebook page

    1. I know, the winter weather must have not gotten a note to stay back this time. Thanks for the well wishes!!!
      Jasmine H.
      The Dots of Teaching

  3. Happy blogiversary! :) A year goes by so quickly, doesn't it?? I'm a new follower, I found you through Farley's link up.

    Caffeine and Lesson Plans

    1. Thank you for following me. I love your blog and the schematics of it.
      Jasmine H.
      The Dots of Teaching

  4. Roll tide, my friend!!! Unlike you, I never cheer for Auburn. Not ever. I also never cheer for the Carolina Panthers because of $cam. Sorry not sorry.

    I love Captivating! I need to read that again sometime soon. I also love Beth Moore; she's incredible.

    Congrats on your blogiversary and have a great November!

    My Carolina Classroom

    1. I know, right Roll Tide!!! The truth behind the whole thing is that my facebook page is pretty much a divide between Auburn friends and Alabama fans. I am a die hard Bama fan, but I will be blasted if I don't say anything nice about Auburn. However, there are times that I would root for the other team over Auburn. Also, I never like Cam Newton. Thanks for the well wishes
      Jasmine H.
      The Dots of Teaching

  5. Jasmine, how awesome that you're almost a teacher! I'm a 34 year veteran teacher (intermediate grades and middle school math) and if I can help you with anything, let me know! I love helping teachers get off to a great start. :)
    Heather from Mrs. Renz’ 4th Grade Class


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