Here Comes and Almost Goes November

Friday, November 29, 2013
Well, this month flew us by. I am excited that December is coming up because it is the last month in 2013. Also, it is the final month I will be 23 years old. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. I sure did have a festive day, much less a festive week. On Wednesday, I helped out with my church sending out Thanksgiving meals for families who requested it. I love the fact that we are able to serve the Lord in any way, shape or form that He created for us.

Now onto the fact that I haven't blogged lately for awhile. I was busy with my grandma being home and also having a very creative mind. I won't say I will now blog daily because it will end right when I opened my mouth. Tomorrow will be the Iron Bowl. This is the biggest game in Alabama's season because it is a rivalry game with Auburn. Also, I am excited to turn 24 years old in January so I made myself a list of goals that I hope to be finished by January 3rd, 2014.

I have a few tricks on my sleeves and also a few surprises. So keep your eyes in store. Finally, my little Pomeranian and I decided to take a little Christmas portrait, courtesy of my mother.
I will hopefully post more soon.

Thanks, God Bless, and Roll Tide!!!

Going for a Great Cause.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Well, how can I politely say it. On the November Currently I mentioned how much I desired the fall weather. Now, I do not want the consequences of fall weather. There is a big chill coming in the South thanks to the Weather Channel. As much as I want to not wear flip flops during the fall, parkas may not be worth it right now. Anyway back to what I was about to talk about.

I love giveaways, especially ones that will give to the cause of helping with children. First Grade in Foxwell Forest is hosting a Giveaway to Win her entire TPT Store. The one catch is that you have to donate at least a dollar for her Donors Choose Project. This Donors Choose project is very passionate and from someone who was an aide for kindergarten, I love what she is doing for her children. Remember to join in and donate because the giveaway will be over when the project is fully funded.

Now I will TRY to get back to my normal blogging routine. Until, then I hope to see you soon

Thanks, God Bless, and Roll Tide Roll

Blogiversary: Day 2!!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Well, I am excited to continue with this blog. But, I also have a secret confession. Every time, I wanted to create another blog and see what other people are talking about. The second blog is based on ideas and lessons also like this one, but I will not make them the same things. I will also do shameless plugs from Pinterest.

Now, I know you keep hearing about the glasses. Well, I have wore glasses a long time and sometimes, I wear them a few days and other times I don't. However, I enjoy my pair of glasses.  Also, to leave you on a lovely note...Today, my feet was cold so I decided to wear something that resembles one of my favorite types of candy:
Thanks, God Bless, and Roll Tide Roll

My Blog Turns 1 Years Old!!!!!

Monday, November 4, 2013
So, I am excited that I finally made a milestone. A year ago today, I created a blog that was designed to follow me around my journey of becoming a teacher in elementary schools. My first post was quite confusing to some even myself, but I knew in my heart that creating and writing blog posts would help me share with future teachers the road path to becoming one.

So to shorten this up...MY BLOG TURNED ONE TODAY!!!!!!

I am so excited to write more future posts and also to create some products to share with other teachers that I learned from field experiences, volunteering at a private school, etc. Oh, and I am making this my blogiversary week. So that means, a lot of surprises may be coming your way.

If you want to see my first post, click here...Happy Sunday!!!!

I cannot wait for the next adventure and to see what God has in store for me. I cannot also wait to see what the other teachers have come up with.

Thanks, God Bless, and Roll Tide Roll

Follow with bloglovin

Saturday, November 2, 2013
<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Currently and On the Roll!!!

I am suddenly on the roll when I am doing two blog posts back to back. Today, I am linking up with Farley for my first Currently. Well, I have never done this before so bear with me.
Listening : to college football games. From the past few posts, I am an Alabama fan. RTR. But, I do tend to look at other football games and enjoy this amazing sport(what I get for having a brother who used to play football).

Loving: The Fall Weather because it is associated with football, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and of course Daylight Savings Time.

Thinking: What am I going to do this month? I am an organized person when it comes to what event is happening right now. So much is going this month from Thanksgiving to Black Friday to my grandmother probably coming home after she finishes rehab for 21 days. Also, it is my mother's birthday month.

Wanting: Some nice, cool weather for a change. I live in Alabama and sometimes it will be cool weather one minute, and then it will be hot weather. I am ready to wear my sweaters.

Needing: Christmas to get here. I am already starting to figure out how to decorate my house. I am already starting to sing carols in my head and listening to Christmas songs. Have anyone ever had that happening to them?

A Yummy Pin: Crock Pot Potato Soup.
Since this is fall weather and it is about to get cool, I felt like the yummy pin should be something perfect for the weather that I recently pin to my "Awesome Recipes" board on Pinterest.
Enjoy. I will be back tomorrow with another post, hopefully.

 Thanks, God Bless, and Roll Tide Roll!!

Free Day Tomorrow!!!!

Friday, November 1, 2013
Well, since Alabama is having a bye week, I will be keeping myself busy, busy, busy. First things first, my blog will turn one years old in 3 days. I am thinking of ways to celebrate it and I will write a new post this weekend. Second, I am happy because my Alma mater won the region championship. Go Bulldogs!!!!. Finally, it is November which means that I have two months left until my birthday month in January. I am excited and is a bit nervous of turning the big 2-4. I will be working on a few projects for my celebration of my blog and I am excited and cannot wait to show it to you. Oh, and I am also working on the other pages.

Thanks, God Bless, and Roll Tide Roll

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