Wordless Wednesday-last one of July

Wednesday, July 30, 2014
I cannot believe that this is the last Wednesday of July...which means(cue dramatic music) school starts back for everyone. I am in school studying to become a teacher and is going to be in a classroom this school year observing the students and teaching lesson plans(cue dramatic music).

Now, what better way to wind down the year than to join up with Sugar and Spice, Miss Christina for her Wordless Wednesday...

I love school supplies and also that it is tax-free weekend in Alabama coming up soon. I usually buy a lot of notebooks since I am doing field experience clinicals and also being a student in college getting my degree.

Question: What do you buy more of when you go shopping for students in your classroom?


Monday, July 28, 2014

Well, this is going to be a short post. I am planning and training on going to Peru and I have to walk or hike up Hurricane Creek Park for about 3 hours. I literally rocked and rolled by falling down on my butt. Another thing that I did was finally getting my hours worth of sleep via a nap.

My computer is down for right now, but I am going to continue blogging via my phone and a borrowed computer. Hope everyone have a great day.

A Peek at My Week: My First One

Sunday, July 27, 2014
I am going to link up with Mrs. Laffin's Laughings to let everyone have a sneak peek at this week.


Well, first, I want to break the news, I go back to school in August so this is my last week of summer vacation before I start hitting the books in the road to become a teacher.  I have lesson plans that are needing to be worked on...being the student that I am all the time) I need to tweak and delete things to make sure that it is teachable for students of what grade I am in.

Then, I am going to continue a lovely camp I like to call it Organize My Life camp. I am organizing my computer and my room like crazy and it is a great way to challenge it.

Finally, I am going to Six Flags on Thursday!!!!!

I have to get up early and I am going to sleep mostly on the way to Atlanta. I am excited about going on the rides even if I am afraid of heights.

Last, but not least....I am celebrating eight months with my beautiful boyfriend. Long distance relationships is scary, but I cannot wait until one day to be in his arms. Now, although we are at the months where we would be engaged and telling everyone right now, that is not happening anytime soon.

So I cannot wait to see what everyone is having and to all who are starting school this week...I'll pray for you to have a good school day and the kiddos too.

God Bless

What is Your Teaching Ingrediants

Saturday, July 26, 2014
I am back writing a second post( sounds unorthodox right). Well, I am linking up with Miss Christina of Sugar and Spice about what is my teaching ingrediants.
For me, being a student teacher and also wanting to become a teacher in the future is a wonderful opportunity. One of the main things that motivates me about being a teacher is seeing how the teachers work when I was in grade school. The focus of this linky party is what I incorporated in the lessons. So here is my ingrediants that I created to stir up a wonderful soup.

Hope everyone had a great day and I am going to write more posts and some surprises are coming up soon.

Favoite Pins Fraturday!!!

Well, I am excited to do two linky parties today. I realized that mostly a few people are going back to school this coming month, even this week. I would like to say, I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. But, first a huge announcement...I am not engaged yet! Right now, we are in the second phase of our long distance relationship even though we are at the level where I would show off my engagement band, but now now until both of us are ready. But, a girl can only dream especially with eight months of being in a relationship coming up next week.

Today, I am linking up with two blogs for linky parties. The first linky party that I am linking up with is Favorite Pins Friday Saturday.

 I have been pinning for awhile and I found some pins that would be great for me with what my future classroom is going to be.

Here are the hyperlinks to each pin:
Hanging Folder Organizers
Give Me Five Poster
Reading Strategies Cards

Another post is coming up next about another linky party that I will also join up with. Be on the lookout for that.

My First Five For Friday!!

Friday, July 25, 2014
Hey everybody,

I am a bit nervous because I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for their weekly Five For Friday. I am finally on my two week vacation and that is it...two weeks because I start back classes on August 5th and also start field experiences in September.

 First off, my laptop is back and is better than ever, almost.

 I have to have a new charger because my old one went on a kaput tour. But, I finally have my own laptop for me to get.

 I ended up organizing my life and my laptop dektop because it looks like someone fiddled in it.

 It looks organized from my perspective, but I am still uneasy about it.

 I finally walk over 1,800 steps and also make sure that it is almost around Hanceville(even though it is about to be towards the post office)

 Well, I went to Walmart and Dollar General and well, you guess what happened. This girl who is going to be in classrooms across the county needs a lot of school supplies.

Next Thursday, I am going to take a mini-vacation to...SIX FLAGS!!!! I am nervous because I am terrified of heights, but I am excited about riding the rides.
Final Note: I also did my Pinterest boards for my new account and well, I admit, I am ready to be married soon.
So here it is my Five for Friday, I will be back hopefully on Friday. Hope everyone had a great weekend.

My First Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Ok, I am back on computer which means that I am ready to do linky parties. I decided to link up with Christina DeCarbo at Sugar and Spice for her weekly Wordless Wednesday...even if I am using a few words.

First off, school is starting back which means supplies...

Finally, my computer is back from being on the fritz for awhile, so I did a bit of spring cleaning...



 Have a blessed Wednesday and I am ready to get my creative juices going again.

July Currently!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Hey guys,

I am finally posting big time again. I decided to download the Blogger app and it is wonderful. But, I always blogged and linked up with Farley on her awesome linky parties name Currently...and I got the Currently for you guys.

Listening: I love listening to Robin Meade saying "Good Morning Sunshine" all the time. I need to get used to this in the fall.

Loving: That finally, I have a huge load to work on, they are...
  • gifts for my Sonshine Sister the rest of the months.
  • boyfriend's gift
  • lesson plans galore
  • work for school
  • solitude bible studies
  • blog posts
Thinking:  Well, I am going to Six Flags at the end of this month and I am excited. However, I need to figure out what to bring for the trip.

Wanting: It is like a broken record on these Currentlys, but that is the logistic of the long distance relationship. He told me last Thursday that he is probably get to come home for Fourth of July. Now, he needs to pass the Family Test.

Needing: Anything that could help me with organization of what I mentioned in the Loving section, apps, calendar ideas, anything.

4th plans: My entire family gets to come home for the weekend and I am going to spend 4th of July with them and I am a bit excited. I will be even more excited when the boyfriend comes home.

That is my Currently, I cannot wait to post again soon.

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