Five For Friday: Changes Ahead!!!

Friday, February 27, 2015
Well, I miss linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for their Five For Friday and I am excited to share some good news that would be very much what I have been since I last linked up here.

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 First off, I am now helping out with my public library for storytime and we read and do some activities for them. My first week was about winter and boy do they have a great time. We even made snow globes and read Winter Rabbit.

 It was snowing at my house and boy did we get a huge snowstorm with snow around estimated at 10 inches. Most of my friends got a foot of snow. Here are some pictures that I enjoy.

 I got me a Chromebook and that would be for blogging and other stuff. I am pumped about using this that I am using it right now.

 I am almost finished with one of my classes and I am ready to start applying my life to the classroom.

Finally....(drumroll please). I have been hit with wedding fever lately. My best friend got married and other friends are planning on getting married soon.

Well, I am now joining the list of people who would be planning their wedding starting now. My boyfriend and I talked about it and we are not rushing to get married anytime soon. But, we realized that our future is looking bright. However. I was worried about him because he was also in the now too.
Have a great weekend and enjoy your day...snow or not!!!

Wordless Wedesday: The First One in Weeks

Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Well, I have never linked up with Christina from Miss Decarbo for her Wordless Wednesday,
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but I am finally feeling better in a way so here it is.

We are having a snow day and of course there would be snow so I am resting up with my new Chromebook.

Question: What do you do on snow days?

Link up with her and have a great snow day.

Worship Wednesday 2-25-15

Well, I am linking up with Beth from Adventures of A Schoolmarm for her Worship Wednesday and finally it is on a Wednesday.
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Well, it is a snow day and I am thinking of a lot of verses and songs that would be wonderful with the weather. I chose a video that I love and listen to when I was at Passion 2010 which is my first conference with the college group at my church

Well, I hope everyone have a wonderful cold/snow day or a warm day and I would see you next week.

Movie Clip Monday: 2-23-15

Monday, February 23, 2015
I am linking up with Cheryl from Techie Turtle Teacher for her Movie Clip Monday. I love these linky parties and there is one clip that I love to remember.
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This clip is perfect for Dr. Seuss Day that is more focused on children reading across America. However, it is next week, so here is a clip that is more fascinating from my favorite movie The Lorax
Plus, it can also be used for plant week to teach kids the importance of growing.

Link up with Cheryl and have a great and warm day!!!

Sunday Scoop 2-22-2015

Sunday, February 22, 2015
Well, I am linking up with Teaching Trio for the Sunday Scoop and this coming week would be the start of chaos ensuing.

3 Things I have to do...
~homework is the best thing. Plus, if I finished all of it today, I would finally be caught up.
~I love Karen Ehman and her books. I am currently reading Keep It Shut and doing a bible study on it.
~I would love to schedule some blogging time and blog on other topics too.

2 things I hope to do...
~I need to create the linky party that I wanted. However, procrastination can take over for good.
~I need to exercise because last week, it was cold literally and we were under winter weather advisories left and right.

1 thing I'm Happy to do...
March would be a busy month for me because of the work that I have to do.
 ~I need to change the blog title and make it more reflective of me, but what should I call it. Do you think of
   "Teaching As A Student" or "The Steps of Teaching"
~ I got events that I am doing at my church and may require a late blog post every time now and then.
~I am planning for a wedding. However, it would be one day, not anytime soon. But, I am going to plan the minor details and be ready when it does happen.

Have a great Sunday and a great day!!!

Worship Wednesday 2-19-15

Thursday, February 19, 2015
Well, time for another Worship Wednesday with Beth from Adventures of a Schoolmarm and this one can be my most favorite.
Click here

 It is below freezing in good ole Alabama and I thought of a bible verse that works wonders with what I am saying.

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This verse talks about how we are supposed to be able to remind ourselves that even though are sins are red, they are turned into snow by the hand of God.

Have a great day and stay warm!!!

Sunday Scoop 2-15-15

Sunday, February 15, 2015
Well, I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their weekly Sunday Scoop. I am excited that this is going to be a great weekend.

3 Things  I Have to Do
~I have to finish homework and also work on what is happening in the coming weeks.
~Online Bible Studies: What girl cannot learn more about what to do
~Blogging and Linky Parties because I am far behind when it comes to blogging.

2 Things I Hope to Do:
~Exercise and walk even despite the cold. I need to make sure that I am warm and also, I got me an iPod for me to listen to.
~Organize my room and also my week so I would remember something for this week.

1 Thing I'm Happy To Annouce:
Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!!!! My boyfriend and I celebrated the day even though we are states apart.

Have a safe weekend and stay warm to all my cold weather friends.

Worship Wednesday: 2-12-15

Thursday, February 12, 2015
Well, I am linking up with Beth from Adventures of a Schoolmom for her first Worship Wednesday that is great. I am currently busy and I often forgot that I am in the word with God. In honor of being a child of God, I am going to share with you guys a verse that is great in my life. It was also the first that I did in my siesta memory verse.

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This verse is a great one because the Lord would know what he has in store for us and also what he wants us to do in the future. He has a plan that would be perfect for us even for the teachers as well.

Remember to link up at her blog for this...
Click Here
Have a wonderful weekend and a blessed day!!

Sunday Scoop 2-7-15

Sunday, February 8, 2015
Well, I have a great time at my friend's wedding and of course I also love the weekend because it is time for Sunday Scoop with Teaching Trio
3 Things I have to do...

~I need to study for tests that I have coming up and boy do they need to be studied for. I am always a procrastinator.
!I am a DIY girl so I have a late wedding gift to make along with a Valentine's Day gift for my boyfriend.
~I have to attend a children's church meeting tomorrow and I am excited to see what the mission is for the kids to lead.

2 Things I hope to do...
~I need to rest and also focus on what I need to do as long as I can catch my breath.
~I need to prepare for story time by preparing a snack for them that fits in with the valentine's day theme.

1 things I'm Happy To Do...
~I remember that I wanted a new computer to go along with this one. Well, I have officially bought me a Chromebook. I also have a iPod and an iPad mini which means that I am ready for school.

Have a great Sunday and have a great day of rest...

Favorite Things Linky 2-5-15

Thursday, February 5, 2015
Pretty much for me that this is the only time that I would be able to work on blogging during wedding week, but here it goes. Here is my favorite things that I linked up with Teaching Trio for their monthly linky party.
I felt that I need to do 3 of my favorite TV shows and that I love watching TV since I have to due to the fact that my arms were in pain.

   I love this show because of course I became a die hard fanatic watching every season. There is a reason for watching it on Netflix and also on other shows as well. For me, the show is centered around family and also I love the fanatic episodes. FYI, I am in love with how the br

    I am the girl who keeps talking about losing her weight and I watch this show and they inspired me to become who I am and now I need to change my eating habits and also be more in fitting. You got styles, you got motivation, and you even got a chance to see the new trainers in action and they would even motivate you.

  Who is in love with Grimm. I started watching this show and already I am hooked on what is going on with Nick who is the main character. Think of it like fairy tales gone wrong and this show is the great place to start.

Sunday Scoop 2-1-15

Sunday, February 1, 2015
I am linking up with the Teaching Trio ladies for their Sunday Scoop.

3 Things I Have to Do...
~ I am excited for the super bowl tonight and also that I hope the Seahawks win because personally, I cannot stand the New England Patriots (sorry Pats fans).

~My best friend is getting married and with all my friends getting married, I know that everyone wants me to be next, so I am planning ahead with my own that would happen one day soon.

~I need to study for the test and break my spells of making C's on the test. I need some motivation.

2 Things I hope to do...
~ I need to prepare the linky party, but my energy is still down and not in good shape right now.
~look at blog designs to do when I am thinking of what my blog designs are going to be for the year. Giving my blog a makeover.

1 Thing I'm happy to announce...
I am feeling better partially. I am sick still in a way, but I am feeling a bit better. I also have now a minor toothache and it has subsided for now. Hope this flu and cold season ends for good.

Have a great Sunday

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