Movie Clip Monday: Q and U Wedding Party

Sunday, March 29, 2015
I am linking up with Cheryl from Techie Turtle Teacher for her Movie Clip Monday and this would be the last one so I am talking about something that is deep in my heart.

With all the talk about weddings, I thought that everyone would love to see a clip about a q and u wedding that is perfect for students. This can also be given a chance for teachers to see how it is done.

But, let's bring it back with a little help from Between The Lions and Harry Kindergarten

Have a great day and remember to link up

Sunday Scoop 3-29-15

Today, I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop and there is a theme that is a bit common in my Sunday Scoop.
Well, here is the common theme in most of this.

 I am getting married in a few years!!! I am so excited and of course want to plan my own wedding so of course, I am preparing for it. I told my boyfriend that I wanted to make our wedding invitiations that would fit both our colors and the theme that we wanted.

I have choir practice that is coming up tonight and Thursday because we are singing next Sunday which is Easter Sunday. I am excited for that day. I also needed to catch up on reading the bible and hopefully, I would be able to do my exercise and be wedding ready soon.

Have a great day and link up with them

Worship Wednesday: 3-25-2015

Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Well, I am linking up with Beth from Adventures of A Schoolmarm for her Worship Wednesday.

I love Bethel Music and their songs. I especially love this song because it means a sigificance when the song gets played at my church.

See you soon and have a glorious day!!

Movie Clip Monday 3-23-15

Monday, March 23, 2015
Today, I am linking up with Cheryl from Techie Turtle Teacher for her Movie Clip Monday. I love that this is March Madness because it gives us a sense of who we are.
One of the best things to do is to make kids be more aware of what is going on in this time when March Madness occurs.
This is one of the excellent videos from Youtube with the use of lessons made:

Another video is by Kid President because who does not love Kid President:

Link up with her and see other videos.

Have a great Tuesday!!!

Sunday Scoop 3-22-2015

Sunday, March 22, 2015
Well, it is time for another Sunday Scoop with Teaching Trio and of course, I am excited that it is the first Sunday Scoop of the Spring.
3 Things I have to do...
1. I have been far behind on my work since I was sick that I finally am able to catch up on any work that I have missed. I am also trying to work on something that I kept saying I would show to you guys but never will.
2. Since my bracket is busted and in a bad way, I am focusing my life on blogging and what it meant.
3. I love to read the bible and also hear God's word instilled in me. I am blessed that my life is what it says today.

2 Things I hope to do...
1. My organization is still needed to be perfect and that meant that I need to start organizing before I move into my home one day and when I get married.
2. My sleep schedule is out of sync and that mean that I need to start resting and focusing on getting better sleep soon.

1 Thing I'm Happy to do...
During story time last Wednesday, I saw one of the teachers go through something with speed reading where she ask the kids to choose a book and then when she reads it, the request would be slow or fast. Let's just say that the adults have fun as well through all of this.

Have a great time with them and see other Sunday Scoops and link up with them.

Have a great day!!!

Movie Clip Monday: St. Patrick's Day Fun

Monday, March 16, 2015
I am linking up with Cheryl of Techie Turtle Teacher for her Movie Clip Monday. I love St. Patrick's Day and what it entails.

Here is something that would be perfect for the kids to handle:

This song is by Harry Kindergarten and is great for math especially for little ones.:

Finally, this can be perfect to give an example of what St. Patrick's Day is all about and it could even be a great song to play at your St. Patrick's Day Party:

Have a great time and link up with her and see other movie clips. Have a great day!!

Sunday Scoop 3-15-15

Sunday, March 15, 2015
Today, I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop.

3 Things I have to do...
1. I have choir practice tonight. I am preparing with my church for their Easter service and that would often mean that I need to get ready and prepare for what is going to happen one way or another.
2. I am going to Peru!!!However, I need to be more aware of what is happening and that means that I need to raise money for me to go and also for me to enjoy. I am excited and nervous to see where God would lead me in the future.
3. I am exercising and getting ready to hopefully put on my wedding dress when I try a few out.

2 Things I hope to do...
1. I am currently on wedding planning overhaul and that would mean that I need to start focusing on the little things before I get ready to handle the big choices.
2. I am in organization mode since I would be that way with my soon-to-be fiance and I possibly moving one day. I hope that I am organized because I am still a bit scatterbrained.

1 Thing I'm Happy to do...
Well, Spring is right around the corner and that means that I am ready for it. However, I am not ready for severe weather, but I am ready for cool weather.

Remember to link up and see other Sunday Scoops...Have a happy day!!!

Movie Clip Monday 3-9-2015

Monday, March 9, 2015
Today I am linking up with Cheryl from Techie Turtle Teacher for her Movie Clip Monday. 

Click Here

I am excited to learn more from these video clips but here is my movie clips. I have two of them and they are a doozy...

Little Miss Muffet

Itsy Bitsy Spider

I am in love with nursery rhymes and this would show how much I love it. 

Remember to link up with her and see other posts below!!!

Sunday Scoop 3-8-15

Sunday, March 8, 2015
It is finally warming up, so I am going to link up with Teaching Trio for Sunday Scoop

Here is the scoop for today...

3 Things I have to do...
~blogging is my number one thing for this week.
~I am doing a Dr. Seuss themed Storytime this week and I am trying to find material for both the young ones and the school-aged children.
~I need to exercise and get wedding dress ready and also Peru trip ready.

2 Things I hope to do...
~This coming Saturday, there is a woman's brunch at my church and I am decorating a table so I am figuring out what can be necessary with what to do.
~I am planning on doing online bible studies and I am excited to finally catch up after battling the virus. However, never say never for it's third round.

1 Thing I'm Happy to do...
We are finally springing forward and that meant spring is right around the corner. Let's pray for no more cold weather. I did not get any sleep Thursday because I was worried that ice would cause a power outage.

Have a great Sunday and a great week. Remember to link up with Teaching Trio and see other Sunday Scoops from other teacher bloggers.

Favorite Things Linky 3-4-15

Wednesday, March 4, 2015
I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their Favorite Things Linky.
Click Here
Well, with the winter weather going on, I decided to list the best things I like about Spring.
1.) Flip-Flops: I have been waiting for the flip flops to come out and for me to show off my feet. That would also mean that I need to have pedis for my toes to feel better.

2.) Sandy Beaches: I have been waiting for me to enjoy the beaches with my boyfriend one day. I need to be more aware of what is happening and that would also mean that I need to make that dream a reality.

3.) I am trying to get my body in shape for my wedding soon and that would mean that I need to start walking and walking by the lake can help me be more wedding body ready for the big day months and months from now.

Hope everyone have a great time and enjoy the weather. Hope I do not get more than .20 of ice accumulation.

March Currently

Sunday, March 1, 2015
Well, it is that time for me to link up with Farley for her Currently. I am in love with her blog Oh' Boy 4th Grade. It is great for me to read almost every night.
Listening: I am technically listening to my Spotify right now. I love finding songs that even my mother loves from way back then. I even have a wedding playlist on my account that I am thinking of playing at my wedding.

Loving: I want Winter to leave and for Spring to begin soon. I am already sick of the cold weather. Ok, let me tell you Alabama in cold weather. We have cold snaps and also on top of that a snow day that continue all the way into the midnight hours.

Thinking: I am right now not yet engaged, but "preengaged" as people like to call it. I am making wedding plans because for anyone who knows me, I am not that organized and procrastinate when it comes time for a big day.

Wanting: I am ready to get some shut eyes that I rightfully deserved. I have not gotten a good night sleep since three weeks ago. Plus, I am ready for no more snow days. I cannot take building a snowman anymore. Next year, I can do it...not right now.

Needing: I need a vacation and a spa day. I have been on my feet all February and that would require that. I always wanted to have a spa day and just relax to ease the stress.

Spring Break Plans: Just relax and enjoy the days and even get a tan when I go outside if it is not raining or snowing.

Link up with her and enjoy other Currentlys

Sunday Scoop 3-1-15

I am excited to be linking up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop.
I was sick the last part of the week and there was a snow day so let's get cracking.
3 Things I have to do...
1. I have choir practice to get ready for Easter and that would be a big thing to accomplish.
2. I also got a mission trip meeting this afternoon for the Peru trip. I am so excited and is still praying about this. But, I know that God has got my back.
3. I am scheduling tweets and posts like crazy. I am doing that through Tweetdeck and Hootsuite.

2 Things I hope to do...
1. I want to exercise and lose some weight for my boyfriend. He tells me that I am pretty the way that I am, but I want to be fit spiritually and physically to fit into the wedding dress one day.
2. I am "preengaged" (probably made up the term) but I am excited to plan a wedding, however, there are choices that I have to make and that would be difficult. Any advice on planning weddings?

1 Thing I'm Happy to do...
Well, Alabama had a snow day and of course I did not build a snowman because I was sick the rest of the week. But, I have a great time and even took some photos of it.
Everyone go to Teaching Trio's blog and link up with them and see what everyone else is doing.

Have a great Sunday and a great week!!!

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