Sunday Scoop: 8-23-15

Sunday, August 23, 2015
I love this week for a great reason (actually two!) season and cooler weather. Plus, I am linking up with Teaching for their Sunday Scoop.

3 Things I Have to Do...
~I lost track of time and I am currently creating blog posts that will be up in 1-2 weeks. I love creating blog posts and since school starts back for me in October, I got a lot of free time.
~The best thing that I love about Professional Development is that I can do it online and also it is through other teacher bloggers. I am also trying to become more tech savvy and also be a technology I will also know about the latest technology in the classroom.
~One of my classes is about classroom management and I have to create stuff based on classroom management and what is in each classroom.

2 Things I hope to do...
~I love the cooler weather for a great reason, exercise time. After the rainy weather, I need to take advantage about the weather and start to exercise one day.
~It is time for me to do Pinterest hopping so I could be able to look for new recipes and also look for me a chance to work on some DIY stuff.

1 Thing I'm Happy to do...
It is time for me to takee a big leap...I am leaping towards opening a TPT store soon. I am starting to work on the new material and also tweaking some also.

Have a happy day

Sunday Scoop: 8-16-15

Sunday, August 16, 2015
This week has been a good week, so I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop.

3 Things I have to do:
1. I love to create blog posts, but I had writer's block and I do not know what to write. What topics are there for me to write about that would edge the blog.
2. I am ready to prepare for school coming soon. I noticed that one of the main things is that I am great at organization so I am busy preparing stuff like recording sheets for me to use when I start back observing the classrooms.
3. My online bible studies start soon and I need to prepare for them as well. I got to keep having the research done and also be more willing to work on the extra details needed.

2 Things I Hope To Do:
1. I created a new operation called Operation: Future Classroom where I am listing my timeline and also be more assurance of what I am going to do leading up to my own classroom. I am going to work it like a boss (insert Wendy's commercial line).
2. Fall is coming which football, and of course outdoor exercise without sweating so much to the point of death. I am still going to sweat still, but happy not so much.

1 Thing I Am Going to Announce:
I am working on my own blog with a blog design. From what you could see, it is still needing a lot of work. Also, I don't know if I am going to go with Blogger still or switching to Wordpress. Which ones do you prefer?

Have a great day and link up with them...

Sunday Scoop 8-9-15

Sunday, August 9, 2015
I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop for today!!!

 ~I am looking for good jobs that will help me with putting my feet in the door and also paying off my student loans that I have accmulated over the time.
~Write out more blog posts and also work on my Pinterest board covers for my Pinterest accounts that I made. One personal and one for this blog.
~Find me a place to live. I have been living under duress lately and right now, I need to find a place to clear my head and think good thoughts.
 ~Yoga. It was exciting to see a way to calm down and also destress from my busy stressful week. Also, I can focus on more meditation exercises that will be great to use.
~I love to create linkies and right now, the busy week got me to work on a few of them and also preparing to show them to each of you.
I am officially a 'Lope and right now it is getting my work in and also get to work on my bachelor's degree and then work on my Master's degree at Grand Canyone University. I am so excited to have my own classroom.

Favorite Things Linky: Favorite B2S Activities

Wednesday, August 5, 2015
I love August...why? It is B2S month and the little kiddos go back to school. Also, it is time for me to get ready to go back to school as well. So, I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their Favorite Things Linky.

1. I love open house. When I was a teacher's aide, I would love to be at open house for the parents to get to know me a little bit more better. I love some great ideas to distribute one day when I have my own classroom.
2. I love the All About Me activities that the kids would do. I am making some and also creating a folder for the kids to do while also letting them know a little bit more about me.
3. I love classroom rules that the kids would go on so they would not make a same mistake twice when it comes to what is said to be learned.

That is why Pinterest is a great source to use for me to get some ideas as well. I hope everyone have a great day and link up with them for their Favorite Things.

August Pick 3 Pinterest Linky

Monday, August 3, 2015
I love linkies so I am linking up with a few of my blogging buddies for their Pick 3 linky party.
First Day of School is happening and I am excited to see what is going on.

I love the idea of organization because it will bring less stress to me. I love this idea from Rowdy in Room 300 that was pinned that I found the blog post and found what is needed. This is great especially for the first day of school.

See Original Picture Here

I do not like Open Houses so The Applicious Teacher did a blog post that was pinned about how to have a stress free open house as well

 Here is the pin for the blog post that I found on Pinterest.
Click For Original Photo

Well, going back to school meant one supplies. I found a great article on Pinterest about awesome-sauce school supplies savings that will be perfect. But, check your local areas to see what savings are coming true.
Here is the original photo I found in Pinterest. 
Click For Original Source

Here are the B2S stuff I found on Pinterest. I hope everyone have a great day and have a great first day of school.

Sunday Scoop 8-2-15

Sunday, August 2, 2015
Well, I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop.
I love that this is the first one in August and that this month is not only B2S, but also college football.
~ I am currently working on blog posts for the week and various weeks coming up soon. I am also working on a series that would be perfect. Watch for a Periscope session on what is happening for The Social Media Teacher.
~I am also working on TPT products that would be great in the classroom.
~I need to prepare for another semester of college for me. I am excited to learn about classroom management for my own classroom.
~I can admit, I am an organized person so right now I am preparing for what is going to be a great few storytimes that will happen soon.
~I love to do yoga and be relaxed with it. Also, I love the fact of being tranquil and more often focused on what to think ahead for the next few days. 
Guys, it is hard for us to go back to a simple sleep schedule. I am also more prepared for how to sleep so I will be able to sleep at 9:00 or at 10:00 or even at 11:00pm. No more late nights for me.

2gether We Are Better: Bulletin Boards: Alternatives

I love bulletin boards and also that I work at a library for the kids and that would mean different types of bulletin boards...I am linking up with my Periscope buddies Ashley from Schroeder Shenanigans in 2nd and Angie of Lucky Little Learners for their #2getherwearebetter linky.
I love to show you guys how we do bulletin boards at the library in a way that is different.

We are in a small room at the library and also have a snack room that we share with others. I love it and we have a lot of bulletin boards that are different from those in a classroom way.
We used a computer to display all the photos of what the kiddos did and also the room have the kids art and past pictures hung up or on the shelves to show the parents what they did in the past year. Most of the pictures are of the kids when they were younger, now in elementary school even heading to middle school. Warms my heart with their various creations.

Have a great day and look at all the bulletin boards and how they used them.

August Currently

Saturday, August 1, 2015
I love that it is the start of August. It is also the day of Currentlys by Farley of Oh Boy 4th Grade.

Listening: I missed most of the Edcamp Global stuff so I am rewatching it to get some good ideas of what to do.

Loving: August is a great time of the month for various reasons such as football season starting and also Back to School.

Thinking: The weather is getting good which means that fall is coming up soon. Consequence of that is the probable chance of severe weather.

Wanting: I go back to school to become a teacher this month as well and I am excited to know more and be a step closer to have my own classroom one day.

Needing: My boyfriend's birthday is coming up and I got some creative ideas that are neccessary for me to do. I got a few tricks up my sleeves on this.

B2S RAK: I purchased Owl stickers for the kids to use on  their posters and I even may get some more for the parents to have.

Remember to link up and have a great day!!!

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