Positive Thinking Thursday- 10-30-14

Thursday, October 30, 2014
Well, I am excited for Halloween tomorrow. I cannot wait to have a chance for you guys to see my new costume that I came up with. But, in the meantime, I am linking up with Jennifer for her Positive Thinking Thursday...
One of the best quotes that I love was...OK, every quot that I love came from Dr. Seuss because he has some insight into our lives and we did not know it.

This quote is really a driving force for me becoming a teacher. One of the things that I see when I became a teacher is that there would be bumps in the road, but everything would be alright.

Come visit her blog and link up...

Have a happy Halloween and a good time...do not eat up all the candy!!!

Wordless Wednesday-Early Finishers

Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Time for another link-up with Miss DeCarbo for her weekly Wordless Wednesday.

The whole time, I was more thrilled of what is going on this week that I almost forgot it. But, here is the picture.
I got this when I was asked by The Mailbox for their #BeTheDifference campaign. I love that this would help with most students who would finish early.

Question: What do you do with the early finishers when they are done with their work without interruptions?

Thanks and check out her blog...
Hope everyone have a great day and enjoy basketball season (for some who loves basketball)!!!

Sunday (Monday) Scoop 10-27-2014

Monday, October 27, 2014
Well, I am writing a set of posts that would really turn my life around. The first Sunday Scoop that is on a Monday is here and I am excited. Oh, and by the way I am linking up with The Teaching Trio for their weekly Sunday Scoop

The three things I have to do is:
  • I love to make lesson plans, said this teacher. I am figuring out what lesson plans that I need to make for my class and also for me to go back to when i would have my own classroom one day. 
  • Halloween is coming up and I need to find some accessories for Halloween for a costume party coming up soon. I am going as Miss Frizzle( minus the red hair and lizard) and then I am going as Mary Poppins for FallFest where I live. 
  • I am happy to announce the Hobby Lobby where I live is finally open after a devastating wind storm made it closed for awhile. I am focusing on making something with the use of chevron and also the use of decorations needed. 

The two things I hope to do is:
  • I am always wanting to exercise more and getting fit each and every day. I would walk towards the library and I am currently drinking water and less drinks to tone my body.
  • I have made a huge decision that would change my life for the rest of my life. I am going to be a summer missionary in Peru by going with my church this summer. I have been praying and making these decisions that would change my life. 

The one thing that I am happy to do is:
  • I am having some big days coming up: my blogiversary and my birthday soon. I am making some radical decisions and also making a bucket list that would change my life. Post coming soon for the blog.
Have a happy day!!!

A Little Social Network That Is Taking Off!!

Saturday, October 25, 2014
I am taking a break from teaching posts to tell you about an up-and-coming social network that is trending worldwide, at least. Tsu is a social network where users would receive royalties for what they shared and also for what they would do with content.

Here is the lowdown on this new social network:
  • Tsu is where you will own the content that you posted. 
  • There are a lot of teacher bloggers that are now on Tsu that you want to follow or friended.
  • There are no ads that are clogging up your news feed such as Facebook will be( no disrespect towards Facebook). 
 However, there is a catch, you need to have a code to join Tsu. It is also invite-only. I can lend you guys my link to join which is:
 - (here: http://www.tsu.co/jazzyhally12)

There is a wonderful thing and advertisement that is made about this...
Remember that I am inviting you with the link that I provided above. Oh, and there is a trend based on teachers such as #TeacherFriends so when you post content, remember that you can do that or make your own hashtag

Love everyone and take care...

Five For Friday 10-24-2014

Friday, October 24, 2014
Well, I am feeling semi-better enough to link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching in their weekly Five For Friday. I have not that much because well...you'll see.

Well, I am going to tell you that it was a bright and sunny day, no rain and of course that means a perfect fall weather week...I mean here is the evidence..

Because of that, I need to warm up my room and also put some wonderful scent in my room, so introducing my own wax warmer...

On Tuesday, I started my class and guess what it is on...lesson plans so I found this little diddy.

I also got a special nomination on Sunday and I was so thrilled. I was nominated for the Liebster Award and I accepted it. You could read my post about it here: Liebster Award Nomination. 
I have been blogging like crazy because of this little problem...

Everyone go check out their blog and see all of the other Five for Fridays that is posted. Some are even tasty...hint hint:)
 Ok, everyone kept wondering how did I make those fabric pumpkins. Well, I am going to write a new post when I find the instructions and post them either today or tomorrow. Until, then hope everyone have a great fall and next week would be Halloween.

Positive Thinking Thursday 10-23-2014 & Some Huge News!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2014
Well, here is my week so far...
I was sick as a dog!!! I have never been that much sick before but now I am feeling a bit better and that is blessed...for now. I am linking up with Jennifer for her Positive Thinking Thursday.

With everything that is going on in the news today with Ebola Virus and also with the fact that I had personal reasons along with the fact that it is my grandma's birthday Saturday (she would have been 88 years old), I found this inspirational quote that would cheer me up.

This quote reminds me that when things are bad, we are given second chances to start anew. That is what God blessed us with everyday and I am blessed that I was able to get a second chance.

Now onto some good news...(drumroll)...I have officially started a linky party and I am thinking of putting it on there next week and I am excited to see what you guys are going to link up because it pertains to Pinterest and it will be a great favorite each and every week. I know we have a bunch of linky parties with Pinterest themes. I also figure that I would join in on the fun...from the Pinterest stalker I mean fan. So get ready to link up next week or I may just do it early and I cannot wait.

Have a nice day!!!

Wordless Wednesday 10-22-2014

Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Well, I am linking up with Miss DeCarbo for her annual Wordless Wednesday. I love doing linky parties because I love to get tips and tricks from the other teacher bloggers. So, here it is...

I am going to probably sound like a broken record, but I am excited to use this fall activity that was given to me from The Mailbox. I am excited to create a fall activity with the students.

Question: What fall activity do you use with the students in the classroom?

Have a blessed day!!

Sunday Scoop 10-20-2014

Monday, October 20, 2014
With all the excitement of being nominated for a Liebster Award, I completely forgot that I am linking up with The Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop.
Here is what my week would be like:
1. I need to get ready for the next class which is tomorrow. To anyone who would know about me, I am a huge organizer when it comes to school.

2. I meant to say that my blogiversary is this coming month. I am excited and I have a lot of things to prepare myself for such as linky parties and guest bloggers, if anyone would like to guest post on my blog.

3. With The Mailbox sending me a package this week, I am ready to make the fall activity and see if I can incorporate it into the lesson plans that I am making for the class.

1. I need to clean my room and organize it and make it wonderful. i got a wax burner from someone at my church and I am intended to use it this month.
2. If anyone saw my Five For Friday post, I made some fabric pumpkins for my room to celebrate fall. If you want to know the directions, then I will give them to you and also find it on Pinterest. I am a DIY savvy person this month.

I am happy to announce that Fall is here in Alabama. The leaves are changing and the weather is cool...maybe TOO cool. This brings me to sing Happy by Pharrell.

Hope everyone have a great day and I will see you soon or blog you soon.

Liebster Award Nomination

Sunday, October 19, 2014
Well, I got nominated by Katie of Living the First Grade Dream for a...wait for it...wait for it...Liebster Award!!! The Liebster Award is an award for new bloggers that have potential and content and also have less than 200 followers.
Thanks Katie for your nomination, I feel blessed that I am in a great group of blogging buddies. As part of being nominated, I will answer eleven questions about this nomination and also nominate eleven bloggers that have less than 200 followers.

1. Why and How Long Did You Start Blogging?
I started blogging in November 2012, but I took a big break from it after only one post. However, something miraculous brought me back into the blogging world in August 2013 and I have not stopped blogging since. I blogged because I love reading other bloggers and what their personalities are since I jumped back into the blogging game. Also, with my previous experiences of being a teacher's aide and also being a substitute teacher along with being a Children's Church helper is what made this blog started to work.

2. What one word sums up the heart of your blog and why?
The one word that sums up my blog would have to be compassion. I am very compassionate to what I love to do and that is to be a teacher and have my own classroom one day. One of the things that is more excitable and also that would be fitting in with the word would have to be that when I wanted to become a teacher, I wanted to find what words would describe me when I do become one, and of course I picked this word as one of my favorite words to describe me. Also, being a Christian made me felt compassionate towards others and that includes children.

3. Is there something you learned late in your blog journey you wished you knew before?

I learned many tips and tricks about blogging when I entered into it soon, but the biggest thing that I learned late was that my blog needs to match my personality. I am an out-going 24 year old and I am blessed that I am taking the next steps of becoming a teacher so I made my blog suitable for other readers to see what is my personality.

4.What is your favorite past time other than blogging? 

My favorite past time other than blogging would have to be singing and also participating in church activities. I did not tell anyone this, but I used to be in the choir at my high school for one year and also in college for one year. I am currently in my church choir at church. I also love to participate in church activities that I enjoy and it is all for God. I am currently thinking about going on a Peru mission trip in 2015. 

5.How many hours per week do you dedicate to your blog?

I did not spend many hours like I should blogging and so I made a pact that I would spend at least three hours a week blogging. I need to also focus more on the blogging aspect so I could attract my readers more. 

6. What category of blog posts do you enjoy the most?

I enjoy talking about classroom organization and also about reading since I am more certified in that area. I love talking about the reading sense of school so that the children would learn more. I also enjoy linky parties that capture the readers' attention and also what they could attract when they would share what they know with other teacher bloggers. 

7.Where does your blog inspiration come from?

My blogging inspiration came from being a teacher's aide and also a substitute teacher that would warm me inside. The children and being in a school experience are very inspirational for me to want one day when I am in my own room. I love doing what I am doing, not for the money, but for the children and being able to change their lives soon. 

8.  Which post that you've written are you most proud of?

I remember writing about the reading tips and tricks in the classroom (here). I remember writing about what other teachers gave me advice on about reading and what I need to be more aware of. Also, I love that we are doing this during Dr. Seuss week and it is related to reading which is one of my favorite subjects in school.

9.Is there any post you've been planning to do but have been postponing it for awhile now?

Well, I have a lot of ideas, but I always wanted to do a teacher advice linky party because I wanted to share what advice that my teacher gave me when I was completing field experience. I really think that the best advice is used to our good advantage. 

10. What is your favorite aspect of blogging?

There is actually an answer to that because my favorite aspect is being able to share my ideas for the classroom with my blogging buddies. I have never attended a blogger meet-up( that would change soon) and I did not get to go to Vegas this past summer, but I love making new friends, even though it is only online and through blogging and other shared interests like teaching.

11. Which recipe, project, or idea on my blog would you be most likely to try yourself?

I would love to try Katie's Beginning Letter Sound Activity with the children because it is a good way for them to see what each beginning sound sounds like in a word. Also, I would love to try a crockpot recipe but it is supposed to be one thing. 

Now on to the task of nominating eleven bloggers who have less than 200 followers..I tried to find them, but most I am following and then there are some that I wanted to nominate that is already nominated/accepted so this will do: (Hope that they qualify for this, I checked).

1. Alisha @ Missing Tooth Grins
2. Ms. Makinson @ Ms. Makinson
3. Miss B. @ Real Teachers Learn
4. Janice @ prekpartner
5. Eryn and Gloria @ Two Whooo love Kindergarten
6. Kelly @ Lattes and Lunchrooms 
7. Cassie @ Mrs. Thomas's Class 
8. Chandra @ Teaching With Crayons and Curls 
9. Stephanie @ Technology Timeout 
10. Emily @ Love, Luck and Laughter 
11. Jennifer @ Love Teaching Kids

Here are the Rules:

Now that you've been nominated here are the official "rules" for accepting:

1. In your post link back to the blogger who nominated you as a thank you and "shout out".

2. Answer the 11 questions given to you (the ones I answered above).

3. Nominate 11 blogs that have less than 200 followers each.  Provide them with 11 questions or have them answer the questions above.

4. Let your nominees know they've been nominated and provide them with a link back to your post so that they can accept.
5. Send your nominator a link to your post so s/he can learn more about you as well.  (You can just put your post link in the comments below). 
Hope everyone have a great day and I will blog some more:


Five For Friday...I Missed This!!!

Friday, October 17, 2014
Well, with the fact that everything was a busy week for me and I would start field experience next week, then it is time for a Five for Friday with Doodle Bugs Teaching...
Well, on Monday, there was a Severe Weather Risk where I live and the afternoon turned into storms. The result was that my house was fine and we lost power for a few seconds. But, school was out the following Tuesday and the Hobby Lobby in Cullman had its roof damaged causing them to close until they are all repaired.

 If all goes well and hopefully it does, I will be starting field experience next week. I am stoked for what is in store for me when I go and be in an actual classroom after not being in there for over a year.
Remember that I got an email saying something about the Mailbox wanting me to participate to #BeTheDifference. Well, the package came today and I am excited. I got a book that I can use when I would substitute or have my own classroom one day. I also got a fall activity that I am planning on doing with the kids when I am doing field experience...more pics to come from the process to the actual practice.

I was at Craft Night att my church and it was a great time making fabric pumpkins with the girls...

Here was the fabric being ready to be made...

Then here comes the pumpkins that we all made ya'll

Oh and for an added bonus, here is my pumpkin family that I made...

Finally, I went to a bonfire that my college group did...

Well, I am still up and I am going to start to work on the activity and even give it a few test drives until I can get used to it...

Have a great weekend!!!

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