I am taking a break from teaching posts to tell you about an up-and-coming social network that is trending worldwide, at least. Tsu is a social network where users would receive royalties for what they shared and also for what they would do with content.
Here is the lowdown on this new social network:
- Tsu is where you will own the content that you posted.
- There are a lot of teacher bloggers that are now on Tsu that you want to follow or friended.
- There are no ads that are clogging up your news feed such as Facebook will be( no disrespect towards Facebook).
However, there is a catch, you need to have a code to join Tsu. It is also invite-only. I can lend you guys my link to join which is:
- (
here: http://www.tsu.co/jazzyhally12)
There is a wonderful thing and advertisement that is made about this...
Remember that I am inviting you with the link that I provided above. Oh, and there is a trend based on teachers such as #TeacherFriends so when you post content, remember that you can do that or make your own hashtag
Love everyone and take care...
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