Sunday Scoop 11-30-14

Sunday, November 30, 2014
Well, I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!!! Today I am linking up with the Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop
Well, here it is my Sunday Scoop

3 Things I have to do...
1. Well, I need to exercise my body from eating at least two plates of Thanksgiving meal and a bunch of cookies that was made for the church's meals. I already downloaded some apps and they are going to be part of my goal to lose the weight before the boyfriend sees me.
2. I have choir practice this coming month because my church is preparing for choir practice.
3. It is definitely time to decorate for Christmas, I am excited and cannot wait. Pics when the decorations are up.

2 Things I hope to do...
1. I need some motivation to create a TPT product without focusing on the what ifs.
2. I need to set my schedule for next week and also for the month so I won't forget.

1 Thing I am Happy to do...
 I am taking the Dave Ramsey Financial Literacy Course for my financial aid when I transferred to Liberty University. I am excited to see what he says about financial literacy and what to expect each time.

Link up with them, I cannot wait to see everyone's Sunday Scoop...

Have an awesome Sunday...

Thanks Week: S is for Snow Days!!!

Saturday, November 29, 2014
Well, this is the final letter of the Blog Hoppin' Thanks Week. I have so much fun linking up with all of you.

This is perfect that S is the last letter because it reminds me of something that all of us teachers love since we were little kids...
 Now, all of us love snow days because it gives us a chance to relax or catch up on our to-do lists and also play in the snow!!!

Here are some pics from this year's snow day!!

What are you thankful for?

Thanks Week: K Is For Kindness

Friday, November 28, 2014
Today, I am linking with the ladies of Blog Hoppin' for their Thanks Week.
I am so excited because the letter for today is "K" and I know just the right word for that in honor of what is going on in December.

December is coming up and that is the two year anniversary of the Sandy Hook shootings. I remember that there was a movement called 27 Acts of Kindness that would take on the life of their own.

This week, I volunteered with my church to serve roughly 300 meals to families that we served in the Food Pantry at our church. I was blessed that I paid it forward to others and spread kindness to others.

My challenge to you guys is to do an act of kindness and feel blessed that you would work and help others such as when you were helped yourself at one time.

Have a Happy Black Friday and try not to get hurt.

Five For Friday- Thanksgiving Week

Hello, hope everyone have a happy Thanksgiving. Well, in honor of Thanksgiving, I am linking up with Kacey of Doodle Bugs Teaching for their weekly Five For Friday!!!

 Well, field experience continued today. I love doing field experience and hopefully it can lead to a job( volunteer or paid) soon.

 Here is a pic of field experience...

 Speaking of field experience, I decided that I am going to dress casual and of course, I wore jeans and tennis shoes...

Well, for Thanksgiving, I helped cooked meals for the people with my church family. We baked cookies of all kinds and even used cake mix for some of the cookies.

These are red velvet cookies and chocolate with coffee cookies. Yum!!!

 We had an awesome Thanksgiving except that I was battling a toothache from eating said cookies above. I love eating and I ate two full plates.

Question: What is everyone's favorite Thanksgiving tradtion?
Finally, we are going to put up the Christmas tree and I am excited that this would be the first Christmas in the new place.

Here are some pics from last Christmas!!!

Thanks Week: N is for New Beginnings

Thursday, November 27, 2014
Hello, i am linking up with the ladies of Blog Hoppin for their Week of Thanks linky party.

I am blessed that today is Thanksgiving and that it is time to be thankful for something. However, for me it is also time for me to be thankful for new beginnings that are in store for me.

I have never thought that two years ago that I will be writing this blog and it changed my life dramatically. Today, I have a new life thanks to the decisions that I made.

I made some wonderful friends-both in life and online( I consider you all my blogging buddies). Also, I have a wonderful boyfriend that I love with all of my heart.

I also am glad that I was led by God that my talents were to become a teacher and also that I never doubted what I am doing which is to study to become a teacher.

Have a happy Thanksgiving!!!

Wordless Wednesday- Posters in Classrooms.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Today, I am also linking up with Christina for her Wordless Wednesday.on Miss DeCarbo.  Thanksgiving is coming up tomorrow and this girl is on a break.
I was at field experience this week and saw something that really catch my eyes which are the posters that are in the room.
Questions: Do you guys ever have any educational posters in the classroom to help the students? Do you cover the posters when it comes to a test?

Thanks and God Bless

A Is For A Few Good Books

Today i am linking up with the ladies of Blog Hoppin for their week of Thanks...
And the letter is A so that means...
I just love reading books since I was a little girl, so I thought that I would give three children's classics and three books that I am currently reading...

1. The first book that I read when I was a kid was The Magic School Bus series. I own a few of them and hope that they could be incorporated into my classroom library one day.
2. The second book that I read was Bridge to Terabithia which is pretty much a tear jerker. Then, I watch the movie and I was crying.

3. The third book that I read was Chrysanthemum because it gave me an emphasis of what I should teach the children when we discuss our rules and procedures in class.

4. The book that I am currently reading is One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. I love that woman and what she has to say every morning.

5. The book that I read was So Long Insecurity by Beth Moore because it is helping me with my shyness and also helping me become more outgoing.

6. The book that I am reading is of course Becoming Myself by Stasi Eldredge because she is wonderful with how she gave us a sense of becoming ourselves.

Link up with the ladies and enjoy your Thanksgiving...

Thanks Week: H is for Happiness

Tuesday, November 25, 2014
I am link up with the Blog Hoppin' ladies for their Thanks Week linky party.
I am blessed for a group of ladies that is great with linky parties and use their God-given talents to good use.
I am so happy that I am happy. I remember that this year that everything that I went through made me happy.

I have great friends...
A great family and a great boyfriend. I am also happy that I am becoming a teacher. I am stoked of what makes me smile, but there are times that I was challenged.

In August 2014, my grandma passed away and my faith and happiness was tested. I remember crying for a bit. Then, I prayed that God will give me peace during this time and hours later, I was singing something with a smile on my face.

There are times that I would be sad about something, but happy because I know that I have a great support system with me.

Question: What are you happy about this year?

Remember to link up with the ladies over at Blog Hoppin'

Hope you guys have a Happy Thanksgiving Break!!!

T is for Teachers

Well, I was so caught up with the spirit of Thanksgiving that I forgot that the Blog Hoppin ladies had created a great linky party for everyone to link up.
We all forgot that the spirit of Thanksgiving was to be thankful for something. I went to my church college group's dinner tonight and we started to talk about the spirit of thanks.

For me, becoming a teacher is one of the inspirations of my life. One of the things that I love about being a teacher is that I am one of the few role models in a child's life. I recently started field experience and I was so blown away by how I am being a teacher and how I am glad. Here are a few examples from field experience...

Hope you guys link up with them and have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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