Sunday Scoop 9-27-15

Sunday, September 27, 2015
Hi, everybody. I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop for the last Sunday of September.

3 Things I have to do...
~I am on top of my game with the online bible studies and that meant that I need to bring more color to my responses soon. I love using the Bible app that is great and resourceful.
~I am in an orientation process with another bible study group and I am excited to see where God would take me.
~I am still finding a job and that meant I am still working on what my schedule and what I need to do to shuffle around.

2 Things I Hope to Do...
~ I am creating digital papers still and I am about ready to leap towards blog designs and making them for others when I get through with my own.
~It is time for me to do my annual studying for Praxis marathon. I am ready to get the tests over and done with for good. I am excited to see what I could learn from studying. I am also wanting to be certified as an SLP and a library media specialist.

1 Things I'm Happy to Do...

It is pumpkin mania during fall, which meant pumpkin everything. I am looking for Pumpkin stuff to make.

Remember to link up with them and Have a Great Day!!!

Sunday Scoop: 9-20-15

Sunday, September 20, 2015
Well, I got some great news. But, I am going to reveal it in Teaching Trio's Sunday Scoop.
3 Things I have to do...
~Well, my blog design is semi-complete. I have to work on a navigation bar, but it is beautiful. I even have a new name devoted to this as well. The Tech-licious Teacher for wanting to become a Technology teacher one day. I would discuss more coming soon.
~I got my TPT banner ready and my TPT picture complete and I am going to upload a freebie for good times sake.
~I need to prepare for church and get ready which is why this girl does double duty.

2 Things I hope to do...
~I need to work on online bible studies that are tomorrow as well.
~Yesterday, I was at the fair parade and I almost pass out after not eating and drinking water before I got out into the hot sun (it will be a learning lesson). Yes, you guys can use your teacher voices to laugh at me.

1 Thing I'm Happy to do...
I am happy that Fall is coming and no more hot days. I am tired of sweat coming off my body and I am tired of sticky summers.

Thanks for this quick blog post and link up with them below.

Sunday Scoop: 9-13-15

Sunday, September 13, 2015
Well, I am happy that it is starting to cool off...not that excited about El Nino taking place. I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their linky. 

3 Things I Have to Do...
~I need to put the finishing touches on my blog design. I am looking at tutorials for the whole thing and I think I got the hang of this.
~I am working on the upcoming week of the online bible studies. I am blessed that I was able to work with the sweet bunch of children.
~I am currently making digital paper that would represent something in my life to sell on TPT. I love creating something to sell.

2 Things I Hope to Do...
~I love to walk and also lift stuff that is exercise. I cannot wait to do that again with what is going on.
~I need to relax in this cool weather right now with a cup of hot chocolate.

1 Thing I'm Happy to Do...
If anyone look around my blog, there are a few things that I did all by myself with the help of build your own blog websites. I am still adding more touches, but how does it look.

Remember to link up and see everyone's week in glance.

Sunday Scoop 9-6-2015

Sunday, September 6, 2015
Well, I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop. I love to work and also be more prepared for what happens early on.

 1. I did something right by finally blogging more than one day each week. I also needed to be organized as well and prepare for the whole thing. I am going to blogged about my experience with Trello so everyone could see what each part is talking about.
2. I am needed to work on TPT products and right now I am working on a few digital papers with the catch that I need to find a good color scheme everytime.
3. The online bible studies starts on Monday and right now I am excited to see what the ladies has come up with soon.
 1. I am ready and prepared for exercise as a way to institute some stability in my life with everything being crazy in the past few weeks.
2. I have got to work back on my blog design and also learn how to use image maps for the permalinks that would be in the header .
School starts back in October for me :(. So, I would need to enjoy life before the real world starts back for me. I love having a break and right now, I need to focus more on getting ready for school.

Remember to link up and have a great day!!

Favorite Subject Friday!!!

Friday, September 4, 2015
I am linking up with Blog Hoppin for their #teacherweek2015. There is a favorite subject in all of us and that would mean for me, a few subjects are in full detail. I have two favorite subjects which are science and reading/English Arts.
But, the most favorite subject is English/ Reading Arts. Here is a true story, when I was a little girl, I would always love to read. I am a sucker for book fairs and also for what has happened. But, I am also excited to make sure that the kids would love reading as well.

I am reading this book from Randee Bergen about how to teach reading in kindergarten. Also, I am ARI certified to teach reading right now, just got to pass it through with a degree and a licence. I am also been down that road with being a teacher's aide. My job was to let the kids read to me for a bit and then help them with confused words and also what they are struggling with as well.

I helped out at storytime at the public library and pretty much read and do an activity with them that would coincide with the book. We even do a summer reading program with the kids in hopes to teach them how to read. Here are a few photos of the kids doing activities related to the book.
The book we read "The Kissing Hand" that included them creating a kiss on their hands with actual Hershey's kisses. 
 After reading about Arthur, I would have them do posters related to what they want to sell.
The kids made a sense map with each of their five senses. 
 The kids created cotton ball pictures with the help of crayons and cotton balls (my idea).

Have a great day and link up with them to see what everyone's favorite subjects is.

September Pinterest Pick 3 Linky

Thursday, September 3, 2015
I know that I am late, but better that than never. I am linking up with Inspired Owl's Corner and PAWSitively Learning for their Pinterest Pick 3 Party.
 Today, I am doing a tribute to apples as a way to remember that September is Apple Day!!

I love Apple Day and its awesome feel. This apple poem is great to use with the little kiddos as a way to get them to also know the five
See Original Source Here

 Dr. Seuss has a book titled Apples Up On Top. This would be a great fun way to illustrate the book visually without actually the apples on your head.
See Original Source Here

Finally, as a homage to the Apple Day Pinterest Party that I created, I love this final idea. It is a great snack to make for the kids on Apple Day. Applesauce!!! It is a great treat and also great to even let their parents make it for the class and them tasting an apple made in an entire form.
See Original Source Here
Here is my apple filled day of Pinterest picks. I am so excited to get to share it with you guys. Apple Day is for all walks of life. Have a great day!!!

#2getherwearebetter: Classroom Reveals

Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Well, I love that Storytime is back in action. So, I am linking up for the #2getherwearebetter linky for...(drumroll)

Storytime takes place in a room for the library that is devoted to the kids.

 We will have the crayons and the markers that were accessible for us to use with the kids.
We have stuffed animals based on the books that we would read. When I read Arthur, I forgot that there was two Arthur dolls (one with glasses and one without glasses). 
 The books that we would read to the kids would be great and also there was classroom desks that is perfect.
More stuffed animals from the books. The kids would be able to check out the books and would also display their creativity for other children to see. 
That is my simple classroom that is in the library that I share with other volunteers. We love to promote reading with the kids.

Link up and see more classrooms. Have a great day

Favorite Things Linky

I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their Favorite Things Linky. I love school because of the centers, so I am doing favorite centers.

1. Reading Center- I love this, not because it is my favorite subject to do. But, I love it when the kids would read and focus on what to do after reading like using comprehension or fluency.

2. Math Center: Math is not one of my favorite subjects, but I love math centers. When I was a teacher's aide, I would often not see a math center, but math games being played. I am loving to incorporate this when I have my own classroom.

3. Technology Center: We can all admit this and say that the kids love computers and bringing forth what to expect when they play websites such as or Starfall. The biggest question with the little ones is "How do you spell ABCya?'.

Link up to see what is their favorite things and show some blogger love!!!

September Currently

Tuesday, September 1, 2015
I love Currentlys by Farley because they are great to do. Here is my Currently...
Listening: I am trying to catch up with DVR recordings that I missed. I am sick with a cold and right now, I am catching up on my recordings. 

Loving: I love cool weather and I am waiting for the cool weather to happen. I can finally exercise outside while not having to worry about sweating so much. 

Thinking: My cold has ended up with me not having any sleep so right now, I am going to need some sleep right now. Planning a wedding, becoming an aunt, and also peparing for school made me not have any sleep. 

Wanting: Same as cool weather. I always wanted to get some cool weather and relax in the outside. 

Needing: I have got to get over the crud. My day with this cold equals to not having fun at church, sounding like Fran Drescher's relative, and no sleep. I also have been coughing my brains out and right now NyQuil is the best solution. 

3 Goals: 1. I am going to need to priortize and also get in shape. 
              2. I am organizing blog posts and also what to do in my small groups. Also, I need to  organize TPT products as well.
             3. Being creative is a great one because I am excited that I get to use my creativity in many ways. I am currently working on a blog design and also working on TPT products. 

Link up and see what other teacher bloggers do currently!!!

Teacher Week 2015: 5 Fun Facts

I am back online and I am so excited for this to happen. First off, I will be having a lot of blog posts coming today so stay tuned. Today, I am linking up with Blog Hoppin' for their Teacher Week 2015.

Well, with college football season coming up soon. I am proud to admit that I am a Mississippi State fan (Sorry Rebel fans). I can also tolerate Alabama and Auburn as well as too. I have Alabama and Mississippi State gear ready and is prepared to watch the game if not working on products. But, if Alabama and Mississippi State play against each other, I will root for no one.

I have a great support system and a gorgeous boyfriend that supports me and what I am doing as well. I also like to make a PSA: I am going to be Auntie Social Media Teacher come March. I am so excited to spoil my little niece or nephew. 
 I was a teacher's aide for about two years. I also am doing Storytime with the kids where we would read the story and also give them a snack and an activity to do. That is quite similar to how their brothers and sisters would do school. We had done some small activities such as Dr. Seuss Day and also the first day of school.

I am also a student teacher at Liberty University who wants to be an elementary school teacher and also a technology teacher as well. I also would love to help with special needs children. I plan on graduating in 2017, but I am going to be ahead with the homework due to the fact that I also am planning on getting a job soon.

I am currently working with digital papers. I am a die hard college football fan so I am creating some digital papers that would go to my TPT store once I found palettes for each of the football teams so I would not have complaints of "It's not the same color as their original colors"

Have a great day and also link up with them to see more fun facts.

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