But, the most favorite subject is English/ Reading Arts. Here is a true story, when I was a little girl, I would always love to read. I am a sucker for book fairs and also for what has happened. But, I am also excited to make sure that the kids would love reading as well.
I am reading this book from Randee Bergen about how to teach reading in kindergarten. Also, I am ARI certified to teach reading right now, just got to pass it through with a degree and a licence. I am also been down that road with being a teacher's aide. My job was to let the kids read to me for a bit and then help them with confused words and also what they are struggling with as well.
I helped out at storytime at the public library and pretty much read and do an activity with them that would coincide with the book. We even do a summer reading program with the kids in hopes to teach them how to read. Here are a few photos of the kids doing activities related to the book.
After reading about Arthur, I would have them do posters related to what they want to sell.
The kids made a sense map with each of their five senses.
The kids created cotton ball pictures with the help of crayons and cotton balls (my idea).
Have a great day and link up with them to see what everyone's favorite subjects is.
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