Sunday Scoop 11-29-15

Sunday, November 29, 2015
Well, I decided to link up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop.
This is basically a great way to relax as well.
3 Things I Have To Do...
~ The TPT sale is coming up and I need to finish some products and create digtial paper for the winter.
~Time to give my blog a second makeover. This little blog needs to have it.
~Rest and relaxation are a great force to do after focusing on it.

2 Things I hope to do...
~After Thanksgiving dinner, I need to exercise and burn this weight off.
~Time to schedule blog posts and get my little blog ready.

1 Thing I'm happy to do...
Well, tomorrow is the TPT Cyber Sale and come join us and get 28% off your favorite purchases on the store.

Sunday Scoop 11-22-15

Sunday, November 22, 2015
Time for a Sunday Scoop with Teaching Trio!!!

Have to Do...
I need to work on my schedule for the Unglued Study that I am doing. After that, I am getting some sleep and rest for a while. After that, I am working on s few TPT products that I need to finish soon. 

Hope to Do...
Again, hope that I will get a much needed nap and just have a good sleeping schedule. Also, I am on a water cleanse. I am drinking water more than I would do soda because I will hydrate my skin. I need to also look at Polar Express activities to create a product for other teachers to use. 

Happy to Do...
Hopefully after all the time spent on the Have to Do and the Hope to Do, I get to have some quiet time with God, especially being sick as well. Oh, and look at my blog and check her out. You get to also make your own blog template. Check out her blog.

Have a great day!!!

Sunday Scoop 11-8-15

Sunday, November 8, 2015
Well, I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop...
3 Things I have to do...
~Working on a product for TPT before a sale starts soon. I need to brush up on a few tips of TPT.
~ We got a packing party coming up soon at church for Operation Christmas Child. The best thing is that this will be great for the kiddos who are getting them soon.
~With me moving soon and also got a job, I need to set financial goals for me to follow. I went through a Dave Ramsey class and I know that I got this in my heart.

2Things I hope to do...
~I hope to do exercise because I have been busy and right now, also, I need to start back on blogging.for me to finish what I need to start. I love having Blogger as my mobile app on my phone. 
1Thing I am happy about...
I am happy that I get to count my blessings and use my God-driven talents to contribute to what is meant. 

Link up with them and have a blessed day!!! 

Pinterest Pick 3 Linky-November

Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Well, it is time to link up with my blogging friends PAWSitively Learning and The Inspired Owl's Corner for their Pick 3 linky.

 Well, I love this because it is a great way to teach expository writing and of course it is great with a turkey unit.
Click for Original Source

 Electon day is coming up and of course, that means time to teach kids about voting. This is great to have mock elections and also a great election unit to do with the kids.
Click For Original Source

Click For Original Source
Fall sensory jars are a great way to get more involved and for the kids to learn about what they are using in terms with their five senses.

Remember to link up and see all the ideas for fall!!!

November Currently

Sunday, November 1, 2015
Well, I am loving Farley from Oh Boy 4th Grade and her Currentlys. Here is mines for November. Warning: Overload of events this month is coming soon.
Listening: I started to watch American Greed in 2013. The show can get you taken in a snap.

Loving: Daylight Savings Time is here and I love to Fall backward, but do not like to spring forward. I finally caught up with the sleep that I desperately needed. 

Thinking: My jewelry party is this coming Sunday and well, I am scatterbrained. I am currently making a plan for me to follow. 

Wanting and Needing: Time management is basically what I always wanted. I ended up bringing forth so many events and planning products for what has happened. Organization is basically what I want all of my life. 

Yummy: My uncle made some great Macaroni and Cheese homemade from scratch. I love to make some and that will be a great challenge I will make. 

Important Announcement: You can talk Christmas finally. Halloween is over. Have a great week.

Link up with her and see other Currentlys!!

Sunday Scoop 11-1-15

Well, I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop!!
3 Things I Have To Do...
~ I love to do Bible studies and I am excited to volunteer at Proverbs 31 as a small group leader. I have been blessed with what God has given me in terms of gifts. 
~ My blogging skills is getting rusty so I am working on a few blogs to get ready to polish off the rust. 
~With me moving next year or in 2017, then I need to bring forth some financial goals for me to follow so it will be complete. 

2 Things I Hope To Do...
~I need a sleep schedule and also something to keep me energized. I have been sick the past few weeks and I have no energy. 
~Exercise also falls in the normal routine that I need to follow as well. 

1 Thing I'm Happy To Do...
The bright side is that I am feeling a little better. The key word is "little". I am blessed that I am better for now. Getting my energy back will be a difficult to follow. 

Remember to link up and see other Sunday Scoops.
Click Here

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