Sunday Scoop 7-26-15

Sunday, July 26, 2015
I got a new surprise for you that will be great for everyone to focus on. Unfortunately, I probably did not get the job, but I am going back to school this fall and is excited to use a lot this coming semester. I am linking up with Teaching Trio for what is a great Sunday Scoop.

 ~I have started Proverbs 31 bible study with Women Living Well and I am excited to learn more about it. I am about ready to get the routine ready and prepared for the whole thing.
~I am excited to start back blogging because it is a great way to figure out what I did to blog and what each topic is. I am excited to show you guys what I have been working on.
~I am also creating linkies with the new school year coming up soon. I am excited to share them with you guys. I am also participating in a few linkies for the school year.
~I am like a broken record right now because I am trying to exercise. I need an accountability partner and also finally a new app to help with me working out soon.
~I am preparing for Storytime. A new beginning for them is coming and we are losing a few to starting school :(. But, I love what I am doing such as Arthur themed Wednesday. I am so excited to see the activities that I am planning and how they are going to turn out. 
I got a new computer and I am back to being a Windows girl again. I cannot do a few things with my Chromebook and some of the keys do not work. So, I got me a new computer and it is great to use.

Hope everyone have a great day and link up with them

Tell Us About You Tuesday ~!!~!!~

Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Everyone asks me about my life. Today, I am linking up with the ladies of Freebielicious for this awesome linky. 

Here are some facts about me that you may or may not know. 

1. I have a cute doggie child. Her name is Roxie and she is the precious jewel that I adore. Yes, she is barkable and also gets in the mess of things. However, she is an old dog and she is a great way to practice for kids soon. 
2. I have been with the love of my life since December 2013. I am in awe with him and adored him every minute. He is a truck driver and will come once in a while to see me. Which leads to...
3. We have been talking about marriage for a few months and I started planning for the wedding. I even have a ring with an engaged ring charm on it. 

4. I am a student teacher going to become a substitute teacher one day. I was a former teacher's aide who worked with K-2nd grade. I also work with the kids at the local library for story time which is we read them a story and then we do an activity with them. 
We did cotton ball pictures during the time.

5. I was born January 3, 1990 almost at Walmart. Long story short, my mother went to work and went into labor there as a result of working hard. So, imagine if I was born there, I would celebrate all day at Walmart. 

6. I always wanted to teach in another country so I am reaching towards the goal. 

7.  I live in Alabama for all of my life and tolerate Alabama and Auburn, but is a new Mississippi State fan. 
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Well, that is what I want people to know about me...

Adore these young pictures about me.

That is my life. Have a great day!!!

Sunday Scoop 7-19-2015

Sunday, July 19, 2015
Well, I am working with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop.
 ~I am working on the blog and well... it is pretty much a hard task to do. I decided that I would start to find a blog designer for my blog so I will not add stress to myself.
~I am trying to find a motivation for creating a TPT product, but I need to check out the forums for some tips and tricks.
~I got a job interview and I am stressed that it is going to be good or bad. I know that God has got this and that I will do just fine.
 ~Like I said before, I need to work on the products for my store to start and I need motivation. What is a common theme that I could think of one day?
~Exercise is a great way...until the hot weather took over. I was tired and sweaty from walking over 15 minutes today.
~I got a huge surprise coming soon on The Social Media fact it is great for me to start Surprise week soon. Stay tuned...

Have a great day!!!

Plan With Me Sundays: Tips to Be Organized

Sunday, July 12, 2015
Well, I am linking up with Meghan and Robyn for their Plan With Me Sundays...
I was blessed to be deemed (by myself) the planner queen because of how a planner keep me in check with the events I planned to go. I am going to give everyone 3 tips for being organized.
Well, I found three tips to be organized and also what to do to keep you from pulling your hair out.

1. The phone and tablet is your friend: There are many apps that can be used to help you plan your day. The calendar for Apple really helped me with my friends and their birthdays.

2. Focus on the most important events: I am going to say it...If you missed something like a birthday or an anniversary, then it will be BAD!!! What I did is to list the events in the calendar as the most important so I could get reminders all the way through.
Note: The fiancé is pretty much done that twice with my birthday (Whoops).

3. Try to find a system that will keep you organized: For me, it will be color codes and also what I done is on my computer. Here is an example of folders for each subject provided.
And here is what I did a post on last week about color codes. Click Here:
Link up with them and see other planner tips:

Sunday Scoop 7-12-15

I had an eventful week being on periscope...more on that later on. I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop.
 ~I love to blog and schedule posts for the next day. I have now grown accustomed to it. I even got my Show Me linky ready and prepared for next week.
~I got to be motivated to do bible studies and also be more involved in them.
~Exercise is good to me and will help me with bones and muscles. I have made excuses for what about the bones and such.
~I need to stop with the distractions and work on my TPT store and products that I keep fiddling around with so I could be more focused. I am nervous being a first time seller, but I am ready to make a jump.
~I got to finalize my wedding details that I am thinking for a rough draft of what has happened.
Well, for all who have Periscope, I love the idea of teacher tribes so I am a part of a few, but I am blessed what has happened when I became a good teacher.

Have a great day and a great Sunday!!!

Follow Me on Bloglovin

Wednesday, July 8, 2015
<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Where I was 5 Years Ago?

Tuesday, July 7, 2015
I love linking up with Monica for her Weekly Summer Link Up from I Heart Grade 3
I was 20 years old and was doing one of my favorite things to do every summer...

VBS was awesome because we did Egypt for the kids and they enjoyed it through and through. However, I also made a huge decision a few months ago. I decided that I will become an elementary school teacher so I could work with the little kids and also be a role model to them.

Well that was short, but up with her and see more flashbacks.

Plan With Me Sunday...Color Coding My Planner

Sunday, July 5, 2015
I love planning ahead so I am linking up with some of my blogging buddies for Plan With Me Sundays...
Click Here
I am going to tell you guys about organizing your planners with a sense of color codes.

First, figure out what events needed to be color coded and use flair pens (everyone's favorite) and start writing in your planner for what is happening soon.

This is what is happening right now when I was filling out the planner...
Also, I use my iPod touch to schedule and that is like a color coded machine itself...

Question: Do you use color codes for planning?

Link up with them and also enter the giveaway on the blog as well...

Sunday Scoop 7-5-15

Well, hope everybody had a happy Fourth of July!!! I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop.

I am so excited for what has happened for next week.
 1. I need to do bible study and that will be focusing on what has happened the past few weeks. I also need to think ahead of the next bible study.
2. I got to work on the wedding details and also what I need to start securing for awhile for me to focus on.
3. I did it!!! I blogged and schedule posts, now I need to make it a personal thing as well. I won't be able to go to Vegas this year, but I am excited to start a new journey.
 1. I got to plan details for story time Wednesday and also plan something for the kids to enjoy with a freeze out. I also got a lot plan for me coming soon with this great career I need to do.
2. Well, I need to go outside and relax on the balcony to provide a rest for me and my baby dog daughter.
For a week, I have been sick and that will require me to be sick and disoriented a lot of times, but I feel better.

Pick 3 Pinterest Linky: July

Friday, July 3, 2015
Well, it is July and that meant time for a Pick 3 Pinterest Party with PAWS-itively Teaching and The Inspired Owl's Corner.

Last month, I displayed some wedding stuff for all the engaged ladies out there. Now, I want to share some DIY stuff I want to try.
 I love this idea because it will be great to provide a little lighting for the home to give that intimate detail.
Click for Original Source

 I love hammocks and would love to make one all by myself with a little help though.
Click For Original Source

I am pretty much losing keys so I think that this could provide me a sense of focusing on saving my sanity.
Click For Original Source
Remember to link up with them and you will love this linky...

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