Sunday Scoop 1-31-16

Sunday, January 31, 2016
Hey guys, today I am linking up with some blogging buddies at Teaching Trio for their linkup.

 I love to talk about what is my day like.

3 Things...
-If anyone is noticing a really messed up blog, my blog is still under construction right now. I found a good free blog template and is customizing it as well. So, expect my blog to look funky.
-Create a prayer room and work on my Bible study. I always wanted to read Fervent and right now, it is a study in our Sunday School. Did anyone create their own war room in their house/apartment.
- Work on TPT products: Remake my products with the instructions for making sure that my products would be secured and also to fit my latest scheme.

2 Things...
- Good news, the days start to get longer. But, of course the weather is crazier on Alabama so lets just say, I am looking at diets and learning how to eat healthier. If only I could exercise more as well.
-Sleep is back on. Now, I am sleeping at 11:30-midnight and that has helped tremendously.

1 Thing...
Did anyone notice a new name. After thoughtful consideration. I realized that becoming a teacher meant lesson plans and also I am attached at the hip with my computer. I love my new blog name Lesson Plans and Computers. The "and" part would look different and I am working on that. I love DIY blog designing.

Have a great day and link up with them. Have a great Sunday.


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Hey guys,
I am working on my blog and it will look funky. But, it will be back in full operations soon.

Sunday Scoop 1-17-16

Sunday, January 17, 2016
Hey guys, I love the winter weather we have been having. I am linking up with Teaching  Trio for their Sunday Scoop.

3 Things...
- I am getting ready for a simple off day. I will be near no Internet and no TV, though nothing is on for awhile. I need to work on some products and blog posts and work on bible studies while not having too much distractions.
-TPT products galore this week. I am trying to see which font would work for each product.
-Also, I will start to work on a few blog designs that will emphasize what each person is. My blogs are the first one and right now, I am with Blogger because I'm still working on WordPress.
2 Things...
-Sleep is a big thing. Lately, I am working on my sleep schedule and also decreasing my naps as well.
-Work on an activity for next week's storytime. I am thinking of something the kids would work with and enjoy.
1 Thing...
Got my tips from other teacher-authors about how to promote TPT products and also how to be active on social media. Any ideas?
Have a great day.

Sunday Scoop 1-10-16

Sunday, January 10, 2016
Hey ladies, I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop linky.

3 Things...
1. Not to worry all the time. I got anxiety so bad, I am starting to break out a bit so right now, I am the most uncomfortable I have ever been in.
2. Work on TPT products. I am ready to start work and finish it soon. It is time to grow my store and I have some ideas to think about.
3. Continue to work on my blog. I did not make my own...yet. I am going to come up with the idea. I do however, have an idea for a few of my other blogs. Currently, I am rebranding and my new name is...The Maroon Techie Teacher. I am named after my love for Technology andnlove of Mississippi State. Hail State!!!

2 Things...
1. Hopefully, I would get rest and get rid of this little mini outbreak that is taking place for me right now. No stress equals good itchy-free environment. Sorry for the little too much information.
2. Winter exercise. I love to do this and we'll, there is nothing like running in the freezing cold as well.

1 Thing...
Well, I have been dreaming of opening up my own business and right now, I am in the infancy stages. But, it will be opened by November 2016 unless finished early or need to be pushed back. I called it Tech-licious Designs.

Everyone have a good day and link up with them!!!

Sunday Scoop and a Giveaway!!!

Sunday, January 3, 2016
Well, today is my birthday so I burned the midnight oil for this. I am linking up with Teaching Trio.

3 Things...
-I got some online Bible studies to finish. I am starting one tomorrow. I am excited to also finish preparations for other studies such as the prayer study that will go with Love God Greatly. 
- Still got to work on TPT Products that will go well with the scheme of the Birthday theme. My sale will start Monday. 
-I am going to make a switch to WordPress later this month. Watch for my announcement about the switch. 

2 Things...
-I am going to rest and get ready for tomorrow. Road runner here needs to get at least two hours of sleep. 
-Cold weather exercise can really help a girl... Especially one that needs it after the holidays. My New Year's Resolution is to be more healthy. 

1 Thing...
Well, today I am 26 years old. I am celebrating my birthday with a big extravaganza.

 First, my store is going on sale tomorrow. The code will be birthday26. Second. I am celebrating with giveaways from my store for the lucky people who won. I will announce the winners next Sunday. Isn't that fun.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Join the giveaway and hope to see you soon. good luck with the contest. 

January Pick 3 Linky

Well, today is my birthday so I am linking up with some of my blogging buddies for their Pick 3 Pinterest Linky Party.
Click Here

Well, we all wish for snow...well me only. But, this activity is perfect to use for a snow day. The kids would be able to visualize catching snowflakes with their mouths.
Click Here For Source

 Who loves Jan Brett? Her activities and books are perfect for this season. One of my favorites is The Mitten.
Click Here for Source

It is never too late to celebrate New Year's. This is perfect to use one day when it comes to making goals and resolutions as well.
Click Here for Source
Hope you all have a great day!!!

January Currently

Friday, January 1, 2016
Happy New Year!!! I am linking up with Farley for her Currently!!
Listening: Who loves the Beatles?  I am listening to them on Spotify. Yes, I am young to remember the Beatles but I adored them partly because I was a music education major for awhile. I am jamming out to them while working on TPT Products and working on my blog design and switching to WordPress.

Loving: I stayed up at midnight and then went to sleep. I love the first day of New Year because for me that would mean going to a new slate again. 

Thinking: I do have a Birthday week coming on Sunday and I need to focus on the sale that I am having and along the way a few moments of linkies or what not. 

Wanting: I need to take a trip next Birthday to visit some teachers-authors and spend time with them. Along with going on trips to different spots and vacations. 

Needing: Same as wanting. Already got one great gift is that Mississippi State won their bowl game. So, what trip is best to go on. 

One Little Word: I picked Courage because of the fact that I need to take chances and also jump all in for what would happened. 

Link up with her and check out some below. 

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