It's...February :) Currently and All...

Saturday, February 1, 2014
I am super excited for this month. February is the shortest time of the month and also the busiest time of the month. Between Valentine's Day and Black History Month, along with Super Bowl Sunday, this month would be the busiest and the fastest of the few.

I am linking up with Farley for her monthly Currently, that I love to link up with of course. So here it is and I will give full detail...

Well, my family and my boyfriend of a month are football fanatics as am I. I am excited for the Super Bowl game because I root for the Denver Broncos and I also love the halftime shows. I also love NFL Network getting ready for the big game tomorrow.

I love February. It is my second favorite month, right next to my birthday month of course. I love the various days that are celebrated such as Valentine's Day and President's Day. I also love Black History Month because it gives kids a chance to learn about people such as Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, etc. I also love the fact that tomorrow is Super Bowl Sunday.
I really need to look back and reread my blog post on my blogging resolutions because right now it looks like I am falling back on my blogging. Everything is hectic at the Hall's residence with me going back to school and also caring of my grandma alongside working at my church's food pantry. My sleeping patterns are getting out of whack with me going to sleep more during the days than at nights.
Well, last Christmas, I received a gift from my Sunday School teacher with a gift certificate for her to carry me to get a manicure and also shopping. I may have to take her up on that offer. What I forgot to mention in the Currently is to also lose some weight. I felt that it is time to say goodbye to the weight that I have accumulated from eating too much during the holidays.
I wanted a spa day where I can be pampered and feel relaxed after all of the stress of getting back into school. I also wanted to go on vacation anywhere around the world like I put on my bucket list. A few Currentlys ago, I wished for snow, now I wanted the snow to end. Tuesday was snowing at my house and a few of my friends were stuck in Birmingham due to the weather. I am now having a countdown for when spring arrives even if it is far off.

Here are the results of my two truths and a fib.
The two truths are:
1. I have been to Orlando, FL before with my high school marching band one time. I really enjoyed the humidity and of course the rides alongside seeing Shamu while at Seaworld. Lesson : never sit near or at the splash zone. You will be splashed for sure.
2. I am addicted of polka dots. I am thinking that my future classroom would be decorated with them, however, just not too much.
The fib is: #2 on my Currently
I have never been to an Alabama game, I just watched them at home. My wishlist for 2014 and 2015 would be to attend a game and cheer on the Crimson Tide no matter if they win or lose.

I hope everyone have a great day and Stay warm.


  1. I'm rooting for the Broncos too! Hope they take it!

    I've never gone to the spa before, but I've been meaning to go for years now... I keep putting it off! I hear it's one of the most relaxing days you can every experience... Now I'm thinking I'm needing one! :)

    Love your blog!

    - Jo Anne
    Teaching in Cardigans

  2. Hi from a fellow southern teacher! I'm just a little over from you in Louisiana. I'm excited for the Super Bowl tomorrow, too. Rooting for Denver and their Louisiana connection Manning!

    Ms. Julie aka Southern Teacher
    Southern Teacher WBT

  3. A spa day sounds fabulous! You should definitely take your friend up on it. It sounds like you deserve it! I love polka-dots too. You can't wrong with them!

    An Apple a Day in First Grade


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